Don't forget to read any posts from June you might have missed as it has been busy! There are many give aways, and I will be drawing this weekend for June, and there are now July give aways as well! Included in that list of give aways are posts from Kara Louise, Becky Thumann, Sharon Lathan and Shannon Winslow as well as Laura Ann Nattress; as well as the posts from Gayle Mills, Jan Ashe, Stephanie Hamm and Krista Bagley. Read ALL of them and don't forget to comment! Comments are your entries to WIN those giveaways!
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July 24--Barbara Tiller Cole: Christmas in July
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July 29--William Deresiewicz
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August 7--Moira B.
August 10--Barbara TC and the DBF
August 14--Colette S.
August 17--Regina Jeffers
August 21--Sally Smith O'Rourke
August 24--Amber Godat
And Many more to come!
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Write What You Know!
I succumbed to the temptation to combine Austen and mystery (and
Sherlock Holmes) in my novel, “My Particular Friend,” and I chose to write
explicitly about dueling and navigation canals and the streets of Bath aided by
Google Maps, a book on dueling downloaded from Amazon and a website on
parliamentary history. I completely violated the write what you know rule, and
I think an Austen surviving to the present day would be tempted to ignore the
rule as well.
Or maybe Austen would be tempted to write in a different
style altogether. Imagine a Jane Austen who’d read “On the Road,” “The Grapes
of Wrath,” “The Sun Also Rises” or “The World According to Garp.” Were she
finally to complete “Sanditon,” would it be written on one long scroll (4) with
no margins or paragraphs? Would she write in Hemingway’s newspaper prose style?
Write what you know. It’s a dictum that I think Jane Austen
understood and took to heart, even though I don’t think she bought books about
writing (my husband must have a dozen) or went to a writers’ conference
(guilty). After all, Austen was born as America fought for independence, lost a
family member to the guillotine and wrote during the Napoleonic War, but little
of those world-changing events appear in her books.
I hasten to add the background noise of those events is certainly
there if you look carefully—from those red-coated soldiers of whom Lydia Bennet
was too fond, to John Dashwood’s plans to enclose the commons (1), and to the
riot that wasn’t in “Northanger Abbey”—but it’s certainly not overt.
If Austen were alive today, however, would she be tempted to
write outside her ken? If she could Google “Code Duello,” (2) might a future
book have an actual duel, rather than the implied one in “Sense and
Sensibility” between Brandon and Willoughby? If present-day Austen could
download Patrick O’Brian to her Kindle, would she write thrilling naval battles
rather than just have them in the background as they are in “Persuasion” and
“Mansfield Park.” (Imagine Captain Wentworth telling Anne Elliot blood-soaked
stories of the French prizes he has taken.)
Of course, if you look at how carefully Austen wrote, you
would almost think she had access to a Regency Wikipedia. The duration of a
coach trip, the distances between her fictional villages and the careful description
of topography and nature in the varied locales of her novels reveal a writer
who got the little details right. An over-reliance on Wikipedia, however, might
be an explanation for those apple blossoms in June, but that debate continues
Or would Austen be tempted to tackle a little “guilt and
misery” if she were writing today? Her novels have inspired many writers to
adapt Austen to the mystery genre and Austen herself has been recast as a detective.
Just think what Austen could do with a little old lady detective and three or
four families in a country village, but sadly the mystery genre didn’t exist until
arguably Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin in 1841 and inarguably Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes in
Emma, of course, is something of a detective, just not a
very good one. “Emma,” in contrast, is a very good mystery with the surprise
revelation that … well, I’ll let you find that out for yourself. I will point
out that any good romance is a good mystery—the essential mystery of how two
people meant to be in love can manage to screw it up for an entire book.

Then again, one thing that has always struck me about
Austen’s novels is how different each one is, despite the popular belief she always
wrote romance stories that were really a comedy of manners with no plot about poor
women who had servants but couldn’t get married. To me and to many others,
“Mansfield Park” is a world away from “Pride and Prejudice,” and that
willingness to try something different would surely make for a very interesting
Austen still writing in the present day.
Or would Austen choose a different medium altogether were
she alive today? She obviously enjoyed plays, so might she be a playwright? Or an
even more seductive possibility: would she write for television or the movies?
Most would agree her novels make great drama for TV or the
movies. And I think most of us, consciously or not, rank her novels first by
story and then as written words. For instance, I adore the story and the
characters of “Emma,” but lying in bed at night I fall asleep once I hit a
page-long Miss Bates paragraph. Would Austen, were “Emma” a script, have
indicated that Miss Bates’ dialog fades into the background as Emma and Jane
Fairfax converse, just as is done in many adaptations?
Or were Austen alive today, would she be involved in new media?
She’s an obvious blogger, although she would certainly need Cassandra’s
guidance to make sure she didn’t post anything too sarcastic. Just imagine the
flame wars she could ignite. Would she be political? And of what persuasion? I
shudder to contemplate it. Would she tweet? Would she create YouTube videos
like the Lizzie Bennet diaries (5)?
The mind whirls at the thought of a present-day Austen with
the convenience of word processing and the resources of the Internet. I can’t
imagine her still using her little scraps of ivory, although I don’t think
she’s quite ready to trust her words to the cloud.
I also don’t see her still writing anonymously, not in an
age when anyone can publish a book in minutes. In fact a present-day Austen
still might not find a publisher and she might be forced to self publish (6). After
all, “Sense and Sensibility” was essentially self-published.
But as much as I like to speculate about what a present-day
Austen would be like, I like to imagine Jane still living in Hampshire, still
in a cottage, and still with a creaking door … that allows her to discreetly
put her iPad to sleep whenever a neighbor comes to call.
Note: The novel I’m currently writing, “Jane, Actually or
Jane Austen’s Book Tour,” imagines a Jane Austen who has “survived” to the
present day and is promoting her just completed “Sanditon.” A movie deal is in
the works.
(1) John Dashwood enclosing the commons: “Wealth has much to
do with it”: The Economics of Sense and Sensibility, by Dr. Sheryl Craig,
Persuasions (JASNA publication) No. 33
(2) Code Duello:
(3) Apple blossoms in June:
(4) On the Road:
(5) The Lizzie Bennet Diaries:
(6) Jane Austen fan submits work anonymously:
Great post. You're right - subconsciously ranked by story not written word. Definitely got me imaging a modern day Jane and how her writing would be different. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI think Jane would have been astonished at the easy friendships between men and women. A present-day Jane could make friends with men and actually write about men's thoughts in her books. No more would her readers have to wonder: what was Darcy doing all those months between Hunsford and Pemberley??
ReplyDeleteAn excellent question and thought provoking post. No matter what Austen would write today-- mysteries, fantasies, horror, fiction-- should would still write what she knew: people. Though I think (as June mentioned), with the ease of male/female friendships Austen would write more from the man's perspective as well. But she'd always have a strong female protagonist as she was such a strong female herself.
ReplyDeleteShe could do an anonymous blog (like Gossip Girl) commenting on people in her social circle. If it was Elizabeth commenting, she would say that Mr. Darcy seems very standoffish, bordering on rude.
ReplyDeleteAusten would write movies, television isn't big enough to contain her stories! Great post!!
ReplyDeleteVery good point, June and Jamie. An Austen today would probably not feel limited to the female perspective. I think that desire to see Austen from the other side explains books like His Good Opinion by Nancy Kelley, where we see P&P from Darcy's perspective. It's always been interesting to me that although Austen's novels are in third person, she really doesn't use the advantages of that perspective much. It's still always what the character can perceive; we usually learn of events as the heroine learns of them.
ReplyDeleteHow true. This point can be driven home not only by Austen not using other perspectives from her characters, but also remaining within her own class circle. I enjoy reading JAFF that dives deeper into the other people in the story, or from another character's view, such as Darcy or Mary Bennett. I would love to read something from the perspective of Jane Bennett. Know of any stories like that? Jane is so internal that I'd love to know her observations, her true feelings and thoughts about Bingley and Caroline, and even Lizzy and Darcy.
DeleteHmm.... maybe I should just write the story myself!
Jane Greensmith in her collection "Intimations of Austen" has the short story "Heaven Can Wait" from the viewpoint of Jane Bennet the night before she is to wed Charles Bingley. She is reflecting on her previous love and whether her marrying Charles is a betrayal. But that's certainly no barrier to writing your own book about Jane.
Thank you! I've added this to my "save for later" on Amazon (my birthday is coming up and I'm waiting for gift cards). I began telling my husband the idea and as I kept talking more ideas kept coming... so I think I'm going to try and write it. It'll be far different from screenwriting but I just love to write!!!
DeleteSooo... thanks for the inspiration too!
Incidentally, I'm trying to trend a #AskJaneAusten hashtag at twitter, so if you have any questions to ask Jane when she appears at the JASNA AGM, please ask and I might use them in Jane, Actually.
ReplyDeletegreat thoughts Jennifer! lots of possibilities here :)
ReplyDeleteand glad you've taken the combo w/ sherlock route ~ looking fwd to more great reading with what you've created... ty
Loved the article. Write what you know is good. Of course being a music teacher, my ideas always come through that medium. Thanks for all of your writing. ~jen red~
ReplyDeleteDid you mention a movie deal for your next book is in the works? The book has not even been published and yet you're lucky.
ReplyDeleteBarbara, please enter my name for the international drawing. Thank you very much.