If you have not yet checked out the information about the Decatur Book Festival Events here is The DBF Event Link. We have 24 Austen Inspired Authors that have made a commitment to be a part of the event. If you can make it to Decatur, GA over Labor Day let me know and I will be sure you have the information about our hotel room block.
If you have not read all of the posts for the month of June, there are still four authors with open drawings. Check out the archives on the right and read posts from Pam Dixon, Marilyn Brant, Karen Aminadra and Jennifer Petkus and leave a comment. OR leave a comment today for Amy's post...
Upcoming Guest Posts Are As Follows:
July 27--Amy Cecil
July 29--William Deresiewicz
July 31--Maria Grace
August 3--Wendi S.
August 5--Laura Dabundo
August 7--Moira B.
August 10--Abigail Reynolds
August 12--Cynthia Hensley
August 14--Colette Saucier
August 17--Regina Jeffers
August 19--KaraLynne Mackrory
August 21--Sally Smith O'Rourke
August 24--Amber Godat
August 26--Lory Lilian
September 18--Laura Hile
November 2--Amy Patterson
November 13--Karen Doornebos
And Many more to come!
Comments on Amy Cecil's post will be included in a drawing for 2 copies of her book--open for all commenters including International! Thank you Amy! And will also be entries into the monthly drawings here at Darcyholic Diversions. Entries will be based on comments on blog posts; but additional chances will be given for joining this site, tweeting this post, Joining this site as a member via Google Friend Connect (GFC) (See the left hand column on the blog to join!), sharing this on Facebook or your blog, Friend me on Facebook, clicking 'like’ on Barbara Tiller Cole, Author's Facebook page, Join Darcyholic Diversions Facebook Page or following BarbTCole on Twitter.
While Checking Out the Reading Options On Nook...
Hello Darcyholics! Before I get into my “story”, I would
like to thank Barbara for inviting me to share it today. As a newly published
author, being invited to post today is truly an honor.
Now, why Jane, Pride & Prejudice and Darcy….oh where do
I begin? I have been a Jane Austen fan for as long as I can remember and have
loved Fitzwilliam Darcy just as long. Yes, I have loved Darcy, but did not
truly become in love with him until I met my very own Mr. Darcy 27 years ago
and realized that the fictional character that I love so well existed in my

After I had read many P&P variations, I began to panic
because I was running out of books to read. I thought to myself, what am I
going to read when I have read them all? Now, you have to realize, I was a
captive audience. I was like a child let loose in a candy store. I became lost
in the many different stories that surrounded Darcy and Elizabeth and I wanted
more. When I voiced my fears to my best friend, Suzel, and asked her, “What am
I gonna do when there are no more Darcy and Elizabeth books to read?” She gave
me the most astounding response, one I truly did not expect to hear and one I
will never forget. She said, “Write your own?”
And so…..Pride &
Prejudice: A Royal Disposition was
I never considered writing at any time in my life until that
moment and I have to say, it has changed my life. The ideas began to flood my
brain like a waterfall. I took the best advice I had ever been given and I
began to write. I wrote every moment I could. I even began keeping a notebook
by my bed at night because on many occasions I would dream a scene and then
would only remember parts of it in the morning. The notebook allowed me to
write down what I had dreamt about in the event I woke up from the dream. I
think subconsciously I knew the notebook was there and so it seemed I always
woke and was able to capture the scene. My husband and friends helped me so
much with all the historical research that was required. They always gave me a
source to share my ideas with and they all gave me very valuable input. Suzel’s
daughters, Hannah & Heidi (H&H Editing as I have fondly referred to
them) worked diligently on editing my book and I cannot thank them enough.
I wanted a storyline that had not been touched on, something
very different than what was available. I’ve always been enamored by the kings
and queens of England’s history and I used that basis to start. I knew I wanted
to incorporate the crown into my story somehow and make Elizabeth part of that
world. I always thought it would be a big surprise to find out that Elizabeth
was of royal descent and that Darcy (my prince charming) would marry his one
true princess. I began researching King George III and his family and I found Frederick,
second eldest son to the king and his favorite. He was perfect, exactly the
type of character that I was looking for and the perfect age to fit into my
tale. I created his true love in Sophia and once I had the foundation for their
relationship, Elizabeth was born (literally). Fredrick and Sophia’s unrequited
love and the tragic circumstances of Elizabeth’s birth brought her to live with
the Bennets. As a young adult, we see her learning of the circumstances of her
birth and coming to terms with living the life she was born into.
I always heard that “writers write what they know.” Over the
last year, I have learned the truth of that statement. It totally amazes me
what can be accomplished when an individual finds true happiness, is loved by
family and friends – despite all their imperfections. As I have gotten older, I
find that I have become my own friend and have discovered the importance of
good friends and family. I don’t know where I would be today if I did not have
the never-ending support of my husband, my family and my dear, dear friends.
They are truly the rock on which I build my life and every one of them has made
significant contributions to the person that I am today.
Suzel gave you wonderful advice, and I'm glad you are writing. It would be a sad world indeed if there were no more Lizzy and Darcy stories!
ReplyDeleteThanks June! I could not agree more....where would we be without Darcy and Elizabeth stories!
DeleteI'm so glad you started writing, because there could never be enough Darcy and Elizabeth stories! I would love to read your book! Elizabeth being royalty is an interesting idea!
ReplyDeleteYour book sounds WONDERFUL!!! I can't wait to read it on my Kindle!
ReplyDeleteI loved your story and how you journeyed into writing a book. I'm starting my own journey and your story was inspiring. Thank you :)
great story, Amy & pleased to meet you here :)
ReplyDeletealways enjoy hearing a writer's journey to print ! congrats !
Amy, I'm quite envious of you because you have so much time to devour all available Darcy and Elizabeth stories. Just curious whether you remember which ones you read and their respective plots.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, congratulations on publishing your first book. I hope there will be more books to come.
Lovely post Amy! Your book sounds wonderful! "Darcy's Voyage" is one of my favorite JAFF, so that was a good place to start! Congrats!!=)
ReplyDeleteThank you all so much for your kind words....it is a real pleasure to meet you all.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like an interesting side of the story. I just love where it can take you when an author gets creative with one of Jane's stories. Wonderful! I would love to read it!
Welcome to Amy!!!!
ReplyDeletei love reading about Darcy & Lizzie, so i cannot wait to get my hands on this book!!!
thank you for the giveaway!!!
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Haven't read Darcy's Voyage but I did read Only Mr. Darcy Will Do by Kara Louise. It was great. Wow, I don't know how you can read two or three a day! My eyeballs would fall out. On a very good day I could read 100 pages.
ReplyDeleteSourcebooks has lots of Jane Austen sequels and there are some from Ulysses Press. So you can check out their websites. If you look at books on Amazon more Austen sequels keep popping up. I mean, in the row which shows additional books you may be interested in.