An Austen Inspired Film Festival
By Barbara Tiller Cole
Unleashing Mr. Darcy
I have missed the Austen community over the past year. I was
ill for quite awhile and got away from my blog, but it is time to reinvigorate. Over the next couple months I will be
presenting an Austen Inspired Film Festival.
The first offering is from Hallmark Channel: Unleashing
Mr. Darcy.
I was giddy to watch a modern Pride and Prejudice
inspired film and had no preconceived notions of what this film would be. I even convinced my Mr. Darcy to watch
it with me (he hated it by the way).

Liz and her spaniel Bliss are on the dog show circuit and
Donovan Darcy is the judge of their dog category. Liz is very quick to judge Donovan and his supposed
arrogance when he says of her dog ‘fine eyes, shame about the freckles’.

I enjoyed this modern Jane Austen inspired movie. While it was not a canon retell, it had
enough of Pride and Prejudice within the telling that those that love fan
fiction will enjoy seeing it.
I loved Donovan Darcy from the beginning, as he seemed to
have less of a prideful presence than a typical canon Darcy. However, Elizabeth Scott has even more
prejudice and an almost arrogant determination to hate Donovan that I found a
bit irritating. For those of
you who will want to see it, I won’t add any more spoilers.
I can tell you, however, after years of reading so many good
modern Pride and Prejudice variations I have read many that deserve a
film in their honor. I would love to know the story of how this particular one
was chosen. It was nice and
pleasant, but not what I would call exceptional. I will give the film 3.5 out
of 5 stars.
I will however, give a disclaimer. I have not read the book,
nor even know about the book of the same title until I searched Google for
pictures for this article. Should
Teri Wilson read this review and be interested in being a guest here at
Darcyholic Diversions, I would welcome that.
If you have the Hallmark Channel keep a look out if you
missed it. I am sure they will be
airing it again!