The Frog Prince Had It Easy
Intro by Barbara Tiller Cole
I am very happy to be hosting Fitzwilliam Darcy and his discussion of Laura Hile's book, Darcy By Any Other Name. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it! It was a bold idea for a body swap story, but under Laura Hile's authorship was a fun treat. I am a comedienne at heart, so I am always looking for comedic Austen inspired stories. I have to admit that I have NEVER enjoyed Collins except as a character to torture. But when Fitzwilliam Darcy entered his body he became more than simply tolerable. I most definitely chose Tom Hollander's portrayal of Collins as I read Hile's book, as he had the most ability to transform into someone that Elizabeth could tolerate (if and only if Darcy was inhabiting his body of course).
There is a give away of an ebook copy of Darcy By Any Other Name to one lucky commenter. Be sure to include your email address if I do not have it or if you aren't a facebook friend. Extra entries for posting on Facebook, tweeting, following this blog, liking Laura or my author page on Facebook. Post what you have done at the end of your comment. Deadline for commenting is Sunday 2/19/17 at 9:00 pm.
And Now........ Presenting......
A guest post by Fitzwilliam Darcy
Perchance you recall that frog
fellow in the fairy tale. He’s a
handsome prince, caught in a spell that changes him from a man into a toadish
amphibian. The cure? Love’s first kiss. And therein lies the dilemma. What
woman would ever kiss a frog?
No one, that’s who. And I am in a
position to know, because in Darcy By Any
Other Name, Laura Hile has made me, Fitzwilliam Darcy, switch bodies with
William Collins.
You read that right, with
Collins—that podgy, pompous bounder who can empty a room simply by opening his
mouth. A kiss from adorable Elizabeth Bennet? Not on your life. As Collins, I’d
have a better chance if I were the frog.
I would! See here, ugly animals are
much cuter than ugly men. Then too, a talking frog is a miracle. A talking
Collins is a menace.
That Frog Prince is a lucky dog. In fact, all of the heroes
in romantic fairy tales have it better than I do. Don’t believe me? Read on.
- Cinderella eagerly dances with her prince. No woman wants to dance with Collins. She’d need to wear combat boots, not slippers made of glass.
- The Little Mermaid falls in love from afar, simply by gazing at her prince. That’s never going to happen for Collins. Women see him, shudder, and move in the opposite direction.
- Aladdin is poor, like Collins, but he is also clever and resourceful. And he can sing. Collins can sing, but who wants him to?
- Sleeping Beauty’s prince fights a dragon for her (according to Disney). Collins would never do that. When confronted with a dragon, he would faint or play dead.
- Beauty’s Beast? He is well-read and intelligent, as am I. However, he has the advantage of being rugged, whereas Collins is flabby and soft. What woman wants that? Moreover, the Beast has a ferocious roar. Collins squeals and scuttles away.
So, as Darcy
By Any Other Name progresses, I have had to watch Collins attempt to fill
my shoes as Fitzwilliam Darcy. It has been beyond galling—and once I stopped
laughing, I took Laura Hile sternly to task.
She told me that I have overlooked a major
benefit. Namely, that as Collins, I have the freedom to speak my mind—because
no one cares what Collins says. Thus I have discovered that wisecracks and
snarky asides can be rather fun. Especially because Elizabeth has been

Perhaps being William Collins won’t be so very
bad after all.
Darcy By
Any Other Name has turned out to be rather better than I expected—although
I do wish it was my face, instead of Collins’s,
on the cover. You will sigh, cry, laugh, and cheer me on when (as Collins) I clonk
George Wickham. And then there’s that promised kiss...
Absolutely worth the wait, that. Even if I
don’t end up being transformed into a prince.
Why not give this story a go? I think you’ll enjoy it.
Amazon page with photo and bio:
I would totally love to read this book! Quite inspiring to have an "interview" with Darcy (must remember that trick, lol).
ReplyDeleteI already follow you, Barbara, on FB and tried to find Laura's author page but could not. Also shared twice! Email is
Found Laura's author page at FB at last!
DeleteThanks for persevering, Christina -- and thanks for sharing the news. Good luck with the giveaway!
DeleteI don't know if I'm able to share a linkbut here is my Facebook page.
I've got to hand it to Darcy. He writes a much better article than I. ;)
Christina! I thank you for following me! And hope you get a chance to read Laura's book. I really enjoyed it. AND so glad Darcy stopped by to share here at DarcyholicDiversions!
DeleteThis book is at the top of my wishlist. It sounds so good!
ReplyDeletePoor Darcy-as-Collins. He faces quite the uphill climb. Thanks for entering the giveaway, darcybennett, and good luck.
DeleteI had never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would like a Collins in any story. I always like to torture him in some delightfully cruel manner. lol So actually liking him took me by surprise.
DeleteThis is definitely one of my favorite books I've read in 2016 and one of my all time favorite JAFF variations. I don't think I have ever rooted for Collins prior to this... I highly recommend this book. Please do not enter me for the giveaway as I already have a kindle copy. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Dung, for your support and encouragement. Word-of-mouth is how we discover the best books, isn't it?
DeleteDung, thanks so much for posting a comment here at Darcyholic Diversions! Glad to have you visit here. Hope you come by again and again.
DeletePlease may I compliment Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy on his guest post? I'll certainly be cheering him on when he plants one on GW!
ReplyDeleteThis book has been high on my Wish List since it was published so it's lovely to have another chance to win a copy.
angmardee (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'll be back shortly to let you know where I've shared etc.
Dear oh dear, Darcy had WAY too much fun writing that article. Good luck with the giveaway, Anji.
We're already friends on FB, Barbara, and I've just "liked and followed" both yours and Laura's author pages there, too.
I'll pop over to Goodreads and mention it in Sophia Rose's 2017 Austenesque TBR Challenge, too.
Anji: thanks so much for all of your sharings! Really appreciate it. And good luck in the drawing.
DeleteHow does Darcy get out of this one? I love the idea that Darcy can take a comical revenge on Lady Catherine, Wickham and Miss Bingley, but I shutter what Collins will do with Darcy and his wealth! I am commenting on this blog. evamedmonds(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI can't give you any spoilers, Eva, but the resolution is why this book turned out to be kind of long. I can tell you that I am a die-hard romantic, meaning that I love the happily-ever-after ending.
DeleteI also enjoy keeping readers guessing, with a plot that is unpredictable and exciting. You know, like a roller coaster: "Get in, sit down, and hold on."
There's a "shut up" in that saying, but I don't want readers to do that!
Thanks for entering the giveaway, Eva. Good luck!
Good to hear from you Eva! And let your curiosity cause you to read Laura's book! You won't be sorry.
DeleteIt sounds like this will be a good book to read. I I win please send it here thank you
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lenora. Escapist, sweep-away stories are what I like best. Thanks for entering the giveaway.
DeleteIt is always refreshing to just have fun reading and that was what happened for me with Laura's story.
DeleteLaura has to write happy endings. I'd hunt her down if she didn't. lol (Robin Helm)
ReplyDeleteI admit it, I love the HEA. Although ... would Darcy be happier remaining Collins or changing back? Hmm.
DeleteLovely, silly, yet poignant "guest post." Looking forward to reading this one!
ReplyDeleteI love your moniker! In fact's the title of the first chapter. Thanks for entering the giveaway.
DeleteI've just got to read this! Everyone is raving about it.