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July 24--Barbara Tiller Cole: Christmas in July
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My Obsession with Jane Austen
When did it start? I was an adolescent during the era of
Elvis Presley and the Korean and Vietnam Wars and remember where I was the day
JFK was shot. None of these
inspired me to fanaticism. Even then I was drawn to, as Bush put it, a simpler
and gentler America/time. Even in grade school, the music, movies and books of
eras past caught my attention. In
particular I loved period pieces and classical music and imagining stories in
my head, stories without violence and crime or hatred.
Now, half a century later, I still prefer these things. Yes, I have jotted down some of the
stories in my head… No, I have never posted/published them. Why not? Ego and fear – both of which are too big and too fragile to
overcome – and laziness – creating and editing is hard work.
Hmm.. I drifted off topic .. which is typical of one of my
major shortcomings – distracted by another tangent in my thoughts .. eh-hm ..
back on track ..
My Obsession with Jane Austen, Take Two

Now I have a spreadsheet with all the stories and I add to it weekly with newly published works and WIPs. To add to the plethora of data I store on JAFF, I also track the ‘what they own/read/like’ for my daughter and daughter-in-law. You see, we have a one-for-all and all-for-one philosophy about our JAFF books. Lol … many is the time I have gotten a call to see if we own or have a copy of a story they found for sale at a good price. Since I keep track of alternate titles too - it has saved us some disappointment more than once. My wonderful but spoiled daughter in law (DIL) won’t go to websites to read but is insatiable, so I copy and format stories to her specifications and send them to her to put on her iPad.
Did I mention I can’t get enough? I am completely addicted! I will gorge myself on JAFF to the exclusion of Real Life responsibilities and tasks? To
be honest, our RL now incorporates JAFF as one of its basic realities.
Reminiscent of the days when women were home as housewives and became invested
in daily soap operas whose characters became the subject of conjecture and
discussion and emotional expression just as if they were the next door
neighbors. My daughter, DIL and
now my friends in the JAFF world have conversations about the stories and the
plots as if they were real and not some author’s invention. We actually care about these characters
and the angst and joys in their ‘lives’.
Our extended family members roll their eyes and gently
chide, but basically leave us to our mania. We even travelled to a three day retreat and joined with
authors and readers to talk about Jane Austen and JAFF. Every minute was wonderful. Being part of a lovely sisterhood
of intelligent, friendly, caring women provides a welcome catharsis against the
realities of working and living in the 21st century.
And it was fond memories of that delightful Gatlinburg
weekend that caused me to become very enthused when I heard the JASNA-Atlanta
Chapter was going to be involved in the Decatur Book Festival this year. How exciting – to have JA inspired
writers here to sign books and talk about their craft! And before I knew it I became actively
involved in planning and preparing for this big event Labor Day weekend, Sept.
1 and 2. We are getting together
things to dress our tents Regency style, preparing our Regency costumes to wear
that day, completing crafts, gathering bookshelves, etc. Lots of loving hands pulling together
hoping to honor Jane Austen and our visiting authors. I believe we can bring together Jane purists with Austen
inspired writers and readers and all enjoy together the wonderful legacy she
left us. I hope to see lots of
authors, fiction and non-fiction, sharing two days of discussion and
fellowship, united in our appreciation of Jane Austen – Then And Now (the theme
of the JASNA tents).
Oh, I could ramble on and say so much more but think it best
to close for now. Happy reading to
you all and I hope to see you in September at the DBF.
Robin and I are coming to Decatur, Jan. Can't wait to meet you. You and I must be close to the same age. We might have to share photos of the grandbabes.
ReplyDeleteLove that you feed your DIL's addiction. Too funny.
oh I do love photos! I am the official family archiver and have a separate backup hard drive of our photos! And scrapbooking - love it! Once rented a big house at the beach and gathered all 5 kids and their 'attachments' (i.e., dogs, kids, spouses, 'mates', whatever) and we all scrapbooked during that week. Great fun.
Deleteanyway .. that was me getting off track again ... if you are drawing SS but not yet Medicare, bingo, we are both enjoying our later years!
back to grandbabies .. tomorrow I am riding with my darling daughter - who drove down to pick me up - back to Ky to officially meet my first great grandchild, Charlotte. I am VERY excited!
and finally, I am SOOO glad you and Robin are coming - I can hardly say how happy it makes me. I am checking into the hotel downtown for that weekend so I don't miss a thing. My DIL will be with me so we can all raze her about needing to be so pampered! but not too much, she's staying with me because I need a bit of TLC to get through long days now and she is a huge help ... guess we're both a bit spoiled!
I love that you, your daughter, and your daughter-in-law all share the addiction, but I am also very envious of your spreadsheet. If only I had been as organized when I first started reading JAFF! No wonder you are chairman of the upcoming JA tent at the Decator bookfest, and I look forward to the photos.
ReplyDelete~ June <3
yep, the spreasheet can be very useful, for instance, it shows that you have never published your unconventional story To Boast of My Own Child. And with all that talent, you haven't posted another novel since your fertile period in 2005. I'm sure today's JAFF readers and your old followers would love to see anything new from you - is there a chance you will write again???
Deletephotos again - hmm, wonder if I have time to put together a 'Regency' album of the 'babies' before September ... hmmm, if not, I guess I'll have to just stick them all in my reticule .. lol
ReplyDeleteI so appreciate your posting and your story, Jan! Thank you for taking your time to do it!
I am really enjoying working with you on the Decatur Book Festival! It is going to be a great event.
anything for you Barb! even though I felt like a duck out of water, but guess I don't feel too foolish ... and I do love sharing JAFF with other -holics .. lol
DeleteOh, yes, I am convinced DBF will be a wonderful time of sharing and am so very grateful for all you are doing to help make it so.
I wish I could come to Decatur. I went to a similar event here in Chicago last weekend sponsored by our local JASNA. I really enjoyed talking with the man who wrote 'A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter,' William Deresiewicz. I feel very privileged to have met you, your daughter and your daughter-in-law in Gatlinburg.
ReplyDeleteDearest Beth, I hated not being able to see you in April but hope the wedding was wonderful.
DeleteWe are still hoping to have Mr. Deresiewicz as a speaker and book signer at DBF in Sept. I would love to hear him. Do wish you were able to be there too.
My strongest wish is that the same fellowship and delight will surround us at DBF as we had in Gatlinburg. It was a privilege to get to know you just a little there and I still hope to get together again one day.
Dearest Beth, I hated not being able to see you in April but hope the wedding was wonderful.
DeleteWe are still hoping to have Mr. Deresiewicz as a speaker and book signer at DBF in Sept. I would love to hear him. Do wish you were able to be there too.
My strongest wish is that the same fellowship and delight will surround us at DBF as we had in Gatlinburg. It was a privilege to get to know you just a little there and I still hope to get together again one day.
I am so very happy for your addiction! We all take advantage of it one way or another.
ReplyDeleteI think if you sell that spreadsheet, you will become rrrriiich :)
me too - can't imagine anything that would take away my hunger for JAFF.
Deletelol - spreadsheet has 6300 entries now and growing every day! was very upset when I realized I had lost 5 days of entries because I didn't save before a power loss and had turned off autosave because it slows me down too much. I went to add the final info for a wip that completed and the original entry wasn't there - very frustrating! I hate it that a story might not be listed - don't want to miss a single one!
Hahahahaha! I want to buy it too, China!!!
DeleteSorry it took me so long to post a comment. I read it and forgot to make a comment...LOL. Then I started thinking how good it was to get one more comment about my story. You are a great lady, Jan! I am so lucky to have met you and Barbara. I can't wait for the Book is going to be AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteback at you Rita, my cool dressing friend! I love it when you are at one of the meetings. You add so much good energy and fun to any event I go to.
Delete67 days and counting!! hmm, I better get busy on that dress!
back at you Rita, my cool dressing friend! I love it when you are at one of the meetings. You add so much good energy and fun to any event I go to.
Delete67 days and counting!! hmm, I better get busy on that dress!
Can't wait to meet you in Decatur, Jan! You have been such an encouragement to me! Thank you so much for all you do.
ReplyDeleteOh, Robin, your stories are a huge uplift and encouragement for me. I really appreciate what you put into them.
Delete67 days to DBF! woo-hoo! wonder if we get any sleep Sat night??
How could I miss a GranJan post? So happy to read about your work with the Decatur Book Festival. I wish you tremendous success!
ReplyDeleteAll my love to you, Cat and Shannon!
How could I miss a GranJan Post?
ReplyDeleteI wish you tremendous success at the Decatur Book Festival. You've worked so hard, it can't possibly miss.
All my love to you, Cat and Shannon!
Lovely Ruth, I just don't get enough time to visit with you! Are you joining the ladies in N.O. 9/8, the weekend after DBF for me and Shannon, and moving to a new house for Cat? We three are still trying to come to a final decision. We want soooo badly to go! Knowing you would be there just might push us over the edge into making it happen!
DeleteLovely Ruth, I just don't get enough time to visit with you! Are you joining the ladies in N.O. 9/8, the weekend after DBF for me and Shannon, and moving to a new house for Cat? We three are still trying to come to a final decision. We want soooo badly to go! Knowing you would be there just might push us over the edge into making it happen!
DeleteEnjoyed your post Jan. I can identify with your reading and NOT doing what needs to be done! That sounds like me! :) I think I am not only addicted but completely obsessed! I have to admit that I don't mind at all!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for sharing.
Glad to know that you are GranJan!
The one and only negative about the work I am doing for DBF is it's cutting into my READING time! not good - withdrawal is starting to affect my judgment! Now when my daughter calls to talk about wip postings or the book she is reading - I have nothing to say, and that is simply NOT acceptable!