So Many Rogues, So Little Time
An Interview with Karen Cox by Barbara Tiller Cole

BTCole: So, Karen tell us a little bit about yourself and where you grew up.

KCox: I’m originally from Everett, Washington, because my dad was in the US Air Force, and he was stationed there when I was born. Until he left the USAF when I was about 2 ½ , we moved around a lot. I lived in Mom’s hometown in Kentucky for a year while Dad went to Thailand. This was during the Vietnam War. He was gone from the time I was about 8 months old until I was about 20 months old. I think this is why those returning veterans videos just gut me; I cry every time I see one. I don’t remember my dad leaving or his return, but I remember him saying how much he wanted to be home.
the Air Force days, we still moved around some. He went to University of
Tennessee in Knoxville, so we lived there until I was six. My sister was born
there. Then, we lived in western New York state for a few years (hello, snow!),
and then when I was eleven, we moved to Kentucky. It was a move home for my
parents, but it was like another planet for me, and I had a hard time adjusting
at first. But I did grow to love it after some time had passed.
I do
think that I’ve always had a kind of ambivalence about the South—a sort of
push-pull thing, probably because I’m of the South by birth/family, but I’m a
bit of an outsider too, by environment. I love Kentucky, think of it as my
place, but I observe it too—in all its glory and beauty, and its sorrow and
weakness. But maybe I would have done that wherever I lived, I don’t know.
Maybe that’s just what writers do ;)
BTCole: Well, we have that in common! I loved the four years I lived in Louisville. And I still have family there. In fact am headed up your way for Christmas although we won’t be there but for a few days. So do you have any career other than writing?

BTCole: Well, don’t get me started on UK! Or we will have to start talking about basketball! And our Jane Austen inspired authors might not find that as fascinating as UK fans do. So why don’t you tell me a little bit about your family.

BTCole: I can tell that you are a proud mom! Do you have any hobbies other than writing?
KCox: Reading
and writing are my biggest hobbies right now. I used to sew, and I like to
travel, and at one time, I did some gardening. I’d like to get back to some of
those things, maybe after I retire, but my days are pretty full of work and
family, reading and writing at the moment. Sometimes I don’t think I’ll ever
get done what I want to do!
BTCole: How did you discover
Jane Austen and ‘fall in love with her works’.
KCox: I
encountered Austen later, in my 30s, when I saw the Emma Thompson “Sense and
Sensibility”. I tried to read S&S then, but put it aside. Then I saw the
BBC “Pride & Prejudice” miniseries (yes, the Colin Firth one), and I was hooked
on the stories. After that, I went back to the original Austen novel, Pride & Prejudice, and then I was
hooked on her writing. I devoured P&P, then went back to S&S, barreled
through Persuasion, Emma. I didn’t
read Mansfield Park or Northanger Abbey until after I found
Jane Austen Fan Fiction, but I love them now too. Each story is unique, and
Austen has so much to tell us about the human condition. She was a genius, a
one-in-a-million kind of writer.
BTCole: What initially
inspired you to write Austen inspired stories?
KCox: Austen
herself inspired me to write and adapt her stories. I wanted to convey the
themes I saw in her works to different time periods, because I think they’re
still so relevant.
KCox: I
was just putting the finishing touches on my Emma re-telling, called I
Could Write a Book, when Christina approached me with the opportunity to
“pick a rogue, any rogue!” and write his story. Frank Churchill seemed like a
natural choice, since he and I had spent so much time together recently – ha! I
felt like I knew him (and I’ve known some men like him over the years). As a
reader, I always wanted to know what happened with Frank and Jane Fairfax,
before, during and after the Emma story
takes place. So I re-read several parts of Emma,
and studied David Shepard’s annotated edition, and found my Frank, waiting
to tell me his story.
BTCole: And if there is
anything you want to say about the other stories feel free.

BTCole: So what are your working on now? Got a next story in the works?

so much for hosting the
Dangerous to Know blog tour on Darcyholic Diversions! I hope your
readers enjoy this anthology. It’s really a one-of-a-kind project in the
Austen-inspired genre.
BTCole: Yes I agree! A fun read with lots of variety. A perfect Christmas present to yourself!
Excerpt from Dangerous to Know: Jane Austen’s Rakes &
Gentlemen Rogues
The distance from Yorkshire to Weymouth was a long, arduous
journey, so I broke the trip with several stops, including one in London, where
I visited White’s for an evening of whist, and, shall we say, other entertainments. Glad to leave the
city, for the heat in July was unbearable, I set out for the coast in the early
morning hours. The turnpike from Dorchester to Weymouth was dry and dusty, but
the air improved as I descended the Narrows leading to the town itself. I
stopped for a brief moment to breathe in the tang of the salty, sea air. In
another life, perhaps I should have been a sailor, or a merchant like my
father’s forebears, living an ordinary existence in some harbor town. At times,
that simple life appealed to me—the freedom to go where I wanted, do as I
pleased, with no responsibilities, and no servants to observe my every
movement. Yet, as my aunt often reminded me—in a veiled threat of
disinheritance—my mother learned too late for her health that poverty is a
heavier burden than familial duty.
My lodgings on one end of the Esplanade were simple but
satisfactory, and since Hayward would not arrive until the next day, I decided
to explore. Up one side of town and down the other I roamed, listening to the
conversations as they drifted by me, hearing the seagulls cry, and appreciating
the many fine-looking women bustling about, some walking arm-in-arm, some with
stern-looking chaperones.
I had written a letter informing my family of my safe
arrival, so I stopped at Harvey’s to post it. A queue had formed to pay for
postage, so I joined in, rocking back and forth on my heels while I waited.
“Lovely day,” I commented, to no one in particular. The
young woman in front of me turned her head and nodded curtly, barely sparing me
a glance. She appeared to be one of those shy, wallflower-type creatures that
found male attention terrifying, so naturally, I tried to engage her further.
“I say, miss, do you happen to know where a man might find a
coffee around these parts? You see, I have just arrived, and I am still not
familiar with the best places for food and drink.”
She turned her head again, in such a way that I could only
observe her profile, and answered in a quiet, yet melodic voice. “Granger’s is
but three doors down.”
I grinned, now more determined than ever to make her face
me. “I believe I might be interested in a tart as well.”
“Granger’s sells mincemeat tarts, I believe, sir.”
“I think I fancy a jam-tart
instead. Pray, might I inquire where are the best jam-tarts in Weymouth?”
She turned to face me now, deep set, gray eyes slightly
rounded with surprise, pink flags in her creamy, delicate complexion. She
narrowed those eyes, a most unusual color, now that I took more notice of them,
and said with a quirk of her eyebrow, “I imagine that depends upon your taste,
sir, for what is considered best for one is not for another.”
simultaneously elegant! She
was certainly not intimidated by my double entendre, although her expression
indicated that she had apprehended it, and that intrigued me. Alas, we had not
been formally introduced, so the interaction could not be sustained much longer
in the polite society of a public post office.
“Pardon me, madam, you are exactly correct in your
observation. So, in which directions lies Granger’s?”
She pointed and turned back around as the postmaster
beckoned her forward. I listened as she requested postage in the amount to send
correspondence to Highbury. Interesting, as Highbury was the town of my birth,
and where my father still resided. I wondered vaguely who this delicate looking
flower might be, and if I should know her, but then she turned and marched out
the door without looking my way. I watched her go, and then promptly forgot her
as the postmaster called me forward.
Karen M Cox, Darcyholic Diversions, December 14
to Know: Jane Austen’s Rakes & Gentlemen Rogues BLOG TOUR
Contact info should you wish to
have Karen M Cox write a feature or interview:
KAREN M COX is an award-wining author
of four novels accented with romance and history: 1932, Find Wonder in All Things, Undeceived, and I Could Write a Book, as well as an
e-book novella companion to 1932, The
Journey Home. She also contributed short stories for the anthologies Sun-Kissed: Effusions of Summer and The Darcy Monologues. Originally from
Everett, Washington, Karen now lives in Central Kentucky with her husband,
works as a pediatric speech pathologist, encourages her children, and spoils
her granddaughter. Like Austen’s Emma, Karen has many hobbies and projects she
doesn’t quite finish, but like Elizabeth Bennet, she aspires to be a great
reader and an excellent walker.
Information on the Two Grand Prizes
Information on the Two Grand Prizes
There are two grandprize giveaways. The first is set signed paperback books from the authors'. You can enter at this rafflecopter link: Click On This Link To Enter
The other grand prize includes autographs from Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle plus other Austen items. To enter this give away you need to comment at each of the blog tour sites.
The other grand prize includes autographs from Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle plus other Austen items. To enter this give away you need to comment at each of the blog tour sites.
I admit that the first time I picked up Jane Austen's books I lay them aside without finishing them. Many years later and I have now read them time and again. A great post thank you.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed getting more deets on Karen. Had no idea you moved around so much. LOL, surrounded by electrical engineers.
ReplyDeleteI have always been curious about what was going on with Frank and Jane when they were hoodwinking all the Highbury residents and how it went for them afterward so I'm glad you 'revealed' his tale for us.
Thank you so much for hosting the tour, Barbara. :)
Thank you, Barb, for being part of the blog tour and for this lovely interview with Karen M Cox. I do hope you find time to read the collection this holiday break! Many thanks!
ReplyDeleteI like the way Karen works in the coincidence of the Highbury connection and makes it part of the reason why Frank is attracted to Jane Fairfax. Very clever!
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting us on the blog tour, Barbara! I hope your readers enjoyed the post and enjoy the anthology as well :) Happy holidays, everyone!
ReplyDeleteWould they have offered *other* diversions at White's? I shouldn't imagine much besides drinking, gambling, smoking, and reading the paper....
ReplyDeleteKaren, I was wondering why the e-book of At the Edge of the Sea was not available to purchase and through this interview I now know the answer. But why would you want to revise it?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I love reading about Jane Fairfax's and Frank Churchill's first meeting in Weymouth. I would love to know how they were formally introduced and what Frank sees in her to make him propose to Jane but I guess I can read the book to know more.
Thank you for hosting this #RakesAndGentlemenRogues blog stop and supporting our anthology. The winner of the rafflecopter draw for all the books from the authors is Becky Cherrington. The winner for the blog tour comments (announced by a live draw on Facebook) for the Bingley's Teas, assortment of notecards, postcards, and playing cards as well as the autographed Colin Firth & Jennifer Ehle poster was dholcomb1 (Denise Holcomb). Congratulations! And thank you to all who supported "Dangerus to Know: Jane Austen's Rakes & Gentlemen Rogues" blog tour. So appreciate!! You made it fun.