A Grudge-Carrying Mr. Collins Re-Interviews Author Shannon Winslow -or- How to Mend Fences with a Bit of Prudent Diplomacy
Darcyholic Diversions is very happy to have Shannon Winslow visiting with us! A lucky commenter will win a double ebook give away of her two latest books, Sunday, March 12th! Extra entries for following this blog, friending me or Shannon on Facebook or twitter, posting on your blog/Facebook/etc. Just post what you do as a comment to your own post!. And be sure I have your email or include it in your comment! Let’s hear from Mr. Collins as he interviews her about her two recent book releases.
Author Shannon Winslow has two new novels out (one that’s
pure JAFF and one that’s something a little different), so she’s off on blog
tour to spread the word. But she recently made time in her busy schedule to
revisit an old friend of ours. Did you know that Mr. Collins had given up the
clergy and now has a very successful career as a TV talk-show host? It’s true,
and this isn’t his first appearance here on Darcyholic Diversions. Be sure to
read this previous post to get caught up to speed with the Mr. Collins’s infamous
first interview with Shannon Winslow, where he got quite a shock. Then, enjoy
the following:
(Literary figure and
legendary TV talk show host William Collins steps onto the spotlighted circular
platform of the set, positioning himself between the two mid-century modern
swivel chairs. His suit is well-tailored. His surgically enhanced hairline
looks flawlessly natural. Yet something is a little off. The stage director
cannot help being uneasy about the unusually grim set to Collins’s mouth, and
yet he has no choice but to give the cue to begin, signaling that they’re going
live in five, four, three, two, one… )
WC: Today for our Meet the Author segment, we have a very… a very special guest. Acclaimed for her so-called stellar contribution to the
world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction, she has now authored a total of seven
published novels. Please welcome Ms. Shannon Winslow.
(Applause. Ms Winslow
enters from stage right, giving a friendly wave to the audience before turning
her attention to the host.)
WC: Ms. Winslow,
how… nice to see you again. Please be
(They both sit down)
SW: So you do remember me. It’s been so long since
I appeared here the first time that I wasn’t sure you would. Nearly five years,
I believe.
WC: Yes… well… I think I can truthfully say
that meeting you was such a singular
experience that it has been impossible for me to forget it… try though I might.
SW: Really? Should I take that as a compliment?
WC: I wouldn’t. No doubt the four horsemen
of the apocalypse will be equally unforgettable, but I daresay no one would
voluntarily face them a second time. And yet, here you are again. New books to
promote, I understand?

WC: How interesting (feigns a yawn). Tell me. Do I die
in either one or both of these new novels? You will grant that it is a reasonable
question, considering that other one you wrote, a book which I shall not
dignify by naming it aloud.
SW: You mean The Darcys of Pemberley, I suppose. But not to worry. Once was
enough for you, sir. You have heard the expression that a coward dies a thousand
deaths but a brave man only one.
WC: Do you mean to imply that you find me
courageous, Ms. Winslow?
SW: Oh, yes. Mr.
Collins, I am truly sorry that we got off on the wrong foot last time, and I
was actually hoping that the fact you invited me back meant you were a
proponent of giving people second chances, like in my books. Are you?
WC: I? Not really. It was my producer’s
decision to bring you on the show again.
SW: I see. But you do believe in the
possibility of reinventing oneself. How could you not? Look how brilliantly you
have managed to convert the fame from your literary career into something entirely
new – one of the longest-running talk shows on the air. That’s quite an
WC: You flatter me, Ms. Winslow.
SW: Indeed, I do not, sir. I admire your
ingenuity and success, your boldness. A coward would have played it safe. It
takes courage to make that kind of leap into the unknown – a leap of faith, if
you will permit me another allusion to my books.
WC: Well, I suppose there is something in
what you say.

WC: Perhaps. So, what you’re saying is that
you modeled your protagonists on me?
SW: Well… no… not exactly that…
WC: My mistake, apparently. And just when I
thought we might be coming to some kind of understanding, you and I.
SW: You were not mistaken, Mr. Collins. I
only meant that “modeled” isn’t the word I would have chosen to describe your
contribution to the process. “Inspired,” captures the idea so much better.
Authors find inspiration all around them, you know, sometimes in the most
unlikely places. I can honestly say, Mr. Collins, that you (you and your colleagues
from Pride and Prejudice) have inspired
some of the best material I’ve ever written.
(The stage director
relaxes, sensing that the crisis has passed. Mr. Collins is smiling again,
smiling and becoming very chatty. The remainder of the segment comes off
without incident, and it ends by Mr. Collins extending a hand in friendship to
Ms. Winslow and an open invitation for her to return to the show anytime.)
Leap of Faith: At the
Crossroads Center, they’re in the business of granting second chances. And
their newest client is Ben Lewis, a former star athlete who never recovered
from the death of his dream to make it big in the big leagues. Now he’s being
offered the opportunity to return to 1991 and try again, this time without the
illness that originally ended his baseball hopes. What’s the catch? He will pay
for his second chance by forfeiting his memories of the first… and possibly
along with them, the love of his life. Can he find his way home to the woman
he’s long forgotten but never stopped missing? Or will reaching for the brass
ring with both hands cause the treasure he once possessed to slip forever from
his grasp?
Purchase at Amazon Here
Purchase at Amazon Here
Leap of Hope: At the
Crossroads Center, they’re in the business of granting second chances. And
their newest client is Hope O’Neil – college student and Jane Austen devotee,
who always believed she’d be more at home in Regency England, wearing corsets
and courted by men in cravats. But can a modern girl really fit into a world
with no electricity, cell phones, or indoor plumbing? Hope is about to find out
when her wish for an Austen kind of life is unexpectedly granted. Although she
envisions her second chance will be like something straight out of Pride and Prejudice – complete with her
own Mr. Darcy and a romantic happy ending – she gets more than she bargained
for in this delightful romp through Regency England… a lot more.
These two new novels are the start of in an innovative new
collection by author Shannon Winslow, stories all about turning points,
possibilities, and second chances.
Who hasn’t wondered at least once how life would have
changed by making an alternate choice at some crucial moment in the past? Where
would you be today if you’d turned right instead of left at an important
crossroads or been able to sidestep a particular misfortune? Or perhaps you’ve
daydreamed about a different life altogether, in a different place and time.
Each book in the Crossroads Collection features a new hero/heroine who’s given
the extraordinary gift of a second chance at life, the chance to answer for
themselves the intriguing question “what if?”
Purchase at Amazon Here
Purchase at Amazon Here
If you hurry, you can still qualify to win one of five sets
of books (Leap of Faith and Leap of Hope) that Shannon is giving
away at Austen Variations:
austenvariations.com/double-book-launch-and-giveaway/ If you are reading this after 3/7/17 the books have been given away, but check out Shannon’s post anyway!
Learn more about Shannon and her work at her website/blog:
Thank so much, Barbara, for hosting me today. I had a lot of fun sitting down in the spotlight with Mr. C. again!
ReplyDeleteShannon... You are so welcome to be here again! I have loved BOTH of you interviews with Mr. Collins! Let me know when he decides to try it a third time..lol..
DeleteWhat a hoot! I've just been back and read the original interview, too. Love the "cut to commercial" after Shannon tells Collins his Fate in The Darcys of Pemberley.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm trying to visualise who I'd like best as William Collins - talk show host; David Bamber or Tom Hollander?
I was thinking of David Bamber's rendition when I wrote it, Anji, if that helps. :)
DeleteAnd does he do the 'Mr. Collins wave' to camera at any point?
DeleteLOL... I can just see Mr. Collins doing his little wave at the beginning of the interview AND the end.
DeleteDelightful interview, Shannon. And delightful stories, as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Betty!