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Friday, February 1, 2013

All For The Love Of Darcy: Darcyholic Diversions 1 Year Anniversary

All For The Love of Darcy:
A Month Long One Year Anniversary Celebration
Welcome to the first day of a month long celebration of 'All For The Love of Darcy'.  Planned this month are guest posts and giveaways, and yes, a little continued celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Pride and Prejudice.  I have a few openings still, so if you are interested in posting YOUR love story please indicate in a comment below with an address where I can get in touch with you.

The grand prize is a Kindle, complete with eBook copies of some of your favorite authors stories.  The requirement for the contest is for you to post below, in this thread, why YOU love Darcy!  But additional entries will be given for tweeting this post, becoming a Google Friend here on this site, liking my author page on Facebook (you can do that without leaving the site), writing a post on your blog and linking to this month long celebration (and if you do that and tell me, I will post YOUR link here), sending me a post or at least a paragraph about why you love Darcy for this blog, or any other idea YOU have, just post that you did it in the thread below!

 So what are you waiting for!  Let us know why YOU love Mr. Darcy!

And thanks to all of you who have been supporting Darcyholic Diversions for this past year!

Grand Prize:

A Kindle Complete with Ebooks by:
Barbara Tiller Cole, Both of her books
Maria Grace, Volumes 1 and 2 of the Given Good Principles Series
Brenda Bigbee, Both of her books
Linda Wells, One of her Books
Karen Amindr, Charlotte
Ruth Oakland, My BFF
Nancy Kelly, Loving Miss Darcy
Sally Smith-O'Rourke, Yours Affectionately, Jane Austen
P. O. Dixon, Bewitched, Body and Soul
Marsha Altman, One of her Books
Nina Bennetton, Compulsively Mr. Darcy
A Copy of Jane Austen's Works for Kindle
Abigail Reynolds, Mr. Darcy's Refuge
Susan Mason-Milks, Mr. Darcy's Proposal
Sharon Lathan, One of her eBooks
Laurel Ann Nattress, Jane Austen Made Me Do It

Additional Prizes:
Softcover Book by Linda Wells
Charlotte by Karen Amindra
Longbourn State of Mind by Rebecca Thumann
Friendship of a Special Kind by Moira Bianchi
My BFF by Ruth Oakland
Holiday Man by Marilyn Brant
A Book by Abigail Reynolds
An "I Love Darcy' Gift Set from Bath given by Nina Bennetton

Thanks to all of you for being a part of Darcyholic Diversions this year!

Barbara Tiller Cole


  1. I am tweeting
    I like your author page on Facebook

    I love Darcy due to his character development and changes throughout the novel. At beginning he is only more talkative and helpful to those that are closest to him Like Georgiana and Mr. Bingley. He even looks out for them no matter what the cost would be but I can understand why he was concerned.

    Then after the 1st proposal he was not nice when he tried to proppose to the point of making Elizabeth furious etc. It was this moment that he realized his past actions and how wrong he has been in the ways he have been trying to make her become his. This is the what makes me love Darcy - looking out for others outside his close family and friends when he helped otu Lydia and Wickham, even though he detests the sights of wickham, and making an effort to be a gentleman and showing respect to elizabeth and her aunt and uncle Gardiner. He was not thinking about class and I can tell eh was trying to impress her and her relations .

    This all worked otu in the end though didnt it? ;)

    1. never went through heres tweet


    2. Patkf2007 (at) hotmail (dot) com

      Patricia Finnegan on fb

    3. Like that as well Patricia. That he was willing to acknowledge his mistakes and change as WELL as unselfishly helping someone else...


  2. I love Mr. Darcy because he is the most perfect imperfect being in literature. He's got lots of flaws such as his pride and the way he says whatever stupid thing that pops into his head at inopportune moments (no wonder he stays silent most of the time), but he also has his really good points. He's painfully honest, very protective and completely honourable. I also like that he is kind of awkward. Not sure why that appeals to me so much, but it does. :)

    Facebook - Natalie Richards

    GFC - Lieder Madchen



    1. lol @ most perfect imperfect being in literature. But you said it well Natalie. It IS better at times that he stays quiet rather than say what may be even MORE idiot things that he manages NOT to say..lol..

      Thanks and good luck..Barbara

  3. I love Darcy because he caught my attention from the beginning and stood out against all the characters in the story for me. I loved that he grew and set out on a course of action to make himself worthy.

    A whole month of celebration sounds wonderful thanks for putting this event together, Barbara!

    Extra entries:
    GFC & FB follower as Sophia Rose
    tweeted the post: https://twitter.com/sophiarose1816/status/297244151978811393

    1. Sophia:

      Yes, making himself worthy! And yes, a whole month and we are not even at the half way point yet!


  4. I like your FB author page (Sylvia Claire Chan) and follow this blog through GFC (Lúthien84). I posted this link on my blog @ http://forloveofausten.blogspot.com/2013/01/book-giveaways-for-28-january-3.html

    Why do I love Darcy? He was a proud man and could not be bothered to mix with people he does not know well which in a way I feel I am like him. Then Elizabeth comes along and humbles him into thinking that he should change his attitude. He admits that he is in the wrong and sets out to correct his mistakes whether or not he may see her. And when he learns of Lydia's troubles, he arrange a patch-up marriage between Lydia and Wickham although he hates the man for making his dear sister suffer. He was able to do it in order to give Elizabeth some peace. Which girl would not fall in love with him because his actions spoke of true and steadfast love?

    1. Yes, he did it for Elizabeth even though he didn't really want her to know and was unsure that she would ever forgive him. An unselfish act. Truly a turning point. Good luck Luthien!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh how I love Mr. Darcy. He is flawed, lonely, aloof, handsome, and so so proud.

    Like FB page: Tina Brown Wheatley
    Tweeted: @TiDubb: https://twitter.com/TiDubb/status/297538441506324481
    Google friend: BuriedUnderBooks


    1. Yes, Darcy is a confusing mishmash of many things. But his love for Elizabeth some how comes through all of that..

      Good luck Tina!


  7. I can't believe it's been a year already, Barb. Congratulations on such an achievement!!! I hope this coming year is just as successful!

    1. Thanks so much Stephanie! And you have been a part of it!


  8. Happy birthday, Darcyholic Diversions! I can't believe it's been a year.

    Hmmm... Why do I love Darcy? I guess the better question is why would I not? Handsome, rich, quiet, brilliant, polite, witty, well-read, well-traveled. And totally clueless, until Elizabeth clues him in.

    And all he wants is a soul mate to ease his loneliness and help him while away the hours of the cold Derbyshire nights.

    Where do I apply?

    1. Hey Gayle... lol. yes he is totally clueless despite all the rest..lol. If only there WAS a place to put in an application!


  9. Why do I love Darcy? As a single lady who just told a guy she wasn't interested in him and was told the responce "You are not going to find the perfect guy", I tend to have strong feelings about the issue. The guy was attempting to refer to my Darcy obsession but what he does not realize is that the very thing I love about Darcy is that he is imperfect! Sure he is handsome, rich, and well connected, but do those things really matter?
    Here is the thing, his shyness he tries so hard to mask that comes across as aloofness, his honesty that comes across prideful, and his quick to debate tendancies are only a few of the things about him that show deep down he is a much different person. So deep down,he does not reflect on the kind of man he is until Elizabeth shows it to him. He is so passionate but yet knows not how to show it. He is drawn to passionate people (Colonel Fitzwilliam, Bingley, Elizabeth, and let's face it - Wickham!). To have a man who feels things as deeply as he does is a trait I look for. I do not want a man who is superficial. Nor do I want a man who will say pretty things, but mean another. So do I like his brutal honesty? No, I love it. Do I think he even realizes how it costs him to speak his mind? Yes, that is why he says so little.
    So in responce to the guy I sent packing, Yes, I love Darcy but for the very reasons that make him imperfect! Once he is shown how imperfect he is, he sets out to improve himself. A man who can be humble enough to admit his faults and be brutally honest about how his faults have affected his chances at happiness and then turn and try to mend those faults is a wise man.
    Congrats Barbara on a year of blogging! May we all find our Mr. Darcy's who will be better today than they were yesterday, better tomorrow then they were today, and never lose the passion that should be at the heart of every man worth having.
    Jeanna Ellsworth

    1. Jeanna:

      I LOVE your response. Particularly your personal reflection as a single girl with a guy that has someone that is trying to blame you not being 'all that into him' on your Darcy obsession..lol. AND I also love a brutally honest many, even when it hurts! lol.. And yes glad u sent the guy to the curb.


  10. This is so great! Congrats on your One Year! Thanks for doing this!!
    First and foremost, I tweeted--
    I am also a Google friend
    I like your fan page on Facebook

    As a woman who loves a reformed bad boy, I love that Darcy is a rebel. Sure, he dresses properly, follows decorum, but the man also follows his heart despite the inferiority of Elizabeth's connection-- an unheard of occurrence in that time. He refuses to crumble under the stern, controlling self-appointed family matriarch Lady Catherine. Even when Lizzy metaphorically slaps him in the face after the first proposal, Darcy refuses to turn his attentions to Caroline Bingley-- the obvious and respected choice.
    Then there's his generosity. When Lydia's ruin would leave him with a perfectly acceptable opening to walk away, he helps Lydia, expecting nothing in return.
    And he's a romantic: Darcy's coming between Jane and Bingley was preventing what he thought would be a loveless marriage (we know better, but Darcy doesn't). Love in marriage was something Darcy wanted for himself and those he cared about most.

    Darcy makes mistakes, but has enough humility to admit them and change. If that isn't sexy I don't know what is! ;)

    Oh, and if you still have any spots open for love story entries, I'd love to contribute: jamieltipps22@yahoo.com

    1. Jamie:

      So you see Darcy as a reformed bad boy? I wonder if canon Darcy would like that definition. I imagine not. But I loved hearing your thoughts. NOW, I have always wanted Darcy to tell Caroline Bingley just how appropriate she was NOT because she was from TRADE and a man from his family could not associate with a daughter of a tradesman..lol. I actually thing a couple authors have done just that ;).

      But in the end his willingness to humble himself does make the difference. Good luck! Barbara

  11. Congratulations on your first anniversary! I'm glad we met in person last year; you're just as sweet in person. <3 I'm friends with you on both your Facebook pages, and I love your stories. Now when do we get a new chapter about our Lizzy-addicted-to-JAFF? Not that I can relate to her... XD

    Why I love Darcy: because he is generous, giving, selfless, tolerant, loyal, and faithful. Where other men might leave, Darcy stayed - despite Lizzy's family, despite becoming brother-in-law to Wicky-poo, despite becoming cousin-in-law to Collins, despite his family's opposition. He even tolerated the presence of Caroline and Hurst, just because he is friends with Charles. Darcy is the perfect man!

    1. June! Thanks so much for your good wishes! Love your thoughts on Darcy as well. As for him being perfect? I am not sure. But I LIKE his willingness to LOOK at his imperfections and change! ;)

      Good luck with the contest!


  12. Oh so many reasons why I love Darcy! He betters himself for the woman he loves (without expectation of her returning that love) and of course hie beautiful Pemberley! :)

    GFC follower and fan of your FB page (under this same name)

    1. Nicole:

      That is the heart of it isn't it, that he betters himself/changes himself for the woman he loves! Good luck!


  13. I fell in love with Darcy shortly after I saw the 2005 version of the movie! He was that kind of man I wanted, at least after he changes for Elizabeth! He was kind, loving and he was an honourable man with the right intentions! He was everything I was and am looking for in my own Mr Darcy! I love Darcy because he actually trust his heart and what it tells him about Elizabeth - well after his dreadful proposal! He stays clear with his own heart and his desire to marry Elizabeth and to earn Elizabeth's love he changes himself! I live Darcy for his true love for Elizabeth and of course I adore the beauty if Pemberley land!
    Fan of your Facebook site under the name of Sophia!

    1. Yes, Sophia! A man who CHANGES. It is every woman's fantasy..lolol..

      And yes, I think he is the ideal that many of us look for..lol..

      Good luck!


  14. I love Darcy because he's not what he seems at first... You have to get to know him to see the real him. I think that's how most of us are in life and that the best romances grow not from the two prettiest people in the room but from two personalities who discover each other. Fan of your FB page and Google friend on this page.

    1. Jenn:

      Yes, Jenn, Darcy has a great depth to his character that he hides behind his stern manner and reserved nature. And yes, shyness I think.

      Thanks and good luck!


  15. Darcy is the complicated good looking, romantic Character who changes and develops into a really thoughtful human being during the course of Pride and prejudice.. I loved his sarcastic and sneering ways which evolved after Eliza turns down his offer of Marriage into a thoughtful caring Man.He is the first Person I fell in love with at age 14 and I have loved and read this Book many times. This is a wonderful story.
    Marilyn (ewatvess@yahoo.com)
    P.S. Liking your FB page and I will twitter.

    1. Mari:

      Yes, Mari. His willingness to change is what appeals to me as well. So you feel in love with him at 14? That is just great! Thanks and good luck!


  16. Can't believe it has already been another year. Congrats on the one year anniversary! I'm a fan on FB, follow on GFC under Colleen Lane and tweeted ColleenLane10

    Well, really, what is there not to love about Darcy? He's an independent, honorable and intelligent man with a strong personality who knows (eventually) when he is wrong, can openly admit to it and change himself for the better. Good looks and wealth to boot, who could ask for more?

    1. Colleen:

      Yes..lol.. EVENTUALLY he knows when he is wrong. But then it probably doesn't hurt that he is handsome and rich ;).

      Thanks and good luck!


  17. I love Mr. Darcy because he's a realistic character. He's a flawed, socially inept man, but if you get to know him, he's fiercely loyal with a kind heart. He’s the kind of guy you could meet in real life and fall for -- imperfect but still a catch!

    1. Katie:

      Yes, he is not going to win any popularity contests unless it is based on his income and estate..lol. And his imperfections make him a very realistic hero.

      Good luck!


  18. I love Darcy because he's honorable and responsible, a good brother and friend, well-read and intelligent. He appreciates liveliness, intelligence and wit in the woman he loves even if it isn't "fashionable", and is willing to become an even better man to please a woman worthy of being pleased. And being rich, handsome and in possession of a magnificent estate doesn't detract, either!

    monicaperry00 at gmail dot com

    *GFC follower
    *Twitter follower

    1. Darcy does TRULY need a little liveliness. We see this in Bingley, and Colonel Fitzwilliam. It just makes sense that he would love someone ike Elizabeth.

      Thanks and good luck!


  19. *tweeted - https://mobile.twitter.com/jaffobsession/status/298917657040781313?p=v

  20. Hey Barb!
    Thanks for one wonderful year of "diversions." I first found Darcy when my mom took me and my sister to see the old Greer Garson flick. Then I found him again in a used book shop within the whole JA collection. And how about that, he came forth in the BBC Liz Garvey version and then again in the 90's. Let's face it, that guy just can' leave me alone! I mean who wouldn't want a fellow who is hopelessly devoted to you and wants nothing more than to make you the happiest woman on God's Green Earth?
    I will tell you a little secret. To top it all off, Darcy sings. He has the richest baritone voice you ever did hear. Of course it's only in private so you will just have to take my word for it. The man is anything but a showoff.
    Thanks for supporting the JAFF community and thanks for the wonderful give away. Love to all you Darcyholics! ~Jen Red~

    1. LOLOL.. Jen Red. I have ALWAYS thought that he sings as well. And I know that you are working on a story as well. Need to get you to post here some time soon! ;). But I have now seen all of the filmed versions and each has something that I truly like about it.

      I loved your comments. Good luck!


  21. I love Darcy because he really is the ultimate catch. I also LOVE that although Lady C is against the match between him and Elizabeth he goes with his heart and in the end does not allow even her to influence his decision.


    1. Margaret:

      Yes, Lady C is DEFINITELY against the match..lol. And Darcy DOES know his mind, even if he doesn't always SPEAK his mind as well as he ought!

      Good luck!


  22. OHHH, Barb, you are cruel!
    That video of Matthew saying "most ardently" makes him completely eatable. Poor man - he is in everywoman fantasy now, thanks to you.
    Congrats on your aniversary!

    1. lolol.. China. Now have you heard the commercial that Matthew did for Hagan Daaz ice cream. If you want something EATABLE..lol.

      And I think Mr. Darcy was every woman's fantasy long before my website, but so glad that you like it!

      Thanks for your kind wishes!


  23. I would love to win the Kindle! I desperately need one. I don't even own a computer and I have won a few e-books that are sitting in my e-mail.

    I love Darcy because once you get to know him you realize that he's a great guy. He cares deeply for his sister and Elizabeth. He really does a lot for others. He has to, as master of Pemberley.

    GFC - Michelle Fidler
    Shared on Facebook (Michelle Fidler) and liked your author page there

    1. Michelle:

      Well, I wish you very good luck! Darcy does care deeply when he cares!

      Thanks and good luck!


  24. I love Darcy because he helps and protects those he cares about. He covers up his sisters attempted elopement so the scandal doesn't damage her,he tries to protect Bingley (no matter that he was wrong) from someone he didn't think loved him yet apologized and told him the truth, he works on what Elizabeth critised and tries and protects her from Lady Catherine. He makes mistakes, he is not perfect. He is willing to take on society to marry the woman he loves, even the first time he proposes.

    1. Melissa:

      Darcy is caring almost to a fault, that is true! And yes, he protects Bingley when Bingley does NOT need him, but he doesn't do it with malice. And he is willing to love despite himself and society.

      Thanks so much for your comments and good luck!


  25. What can you say about Darcy....Aside from being every woman's perfect TDH, he's strong, vulnerable, sweet, sometimes obnoxious, and willing to sacrifice and grow for the people he loves.
    mynewmail91462 at yahoo.com

    1. Wonderful words indeed! Good luck with the contest!


  26. I love Darcy because he learns to love truly, which to me means that he strives to be a better man because of love. And he turns his focus from himself to making Elizabeth happy. He is a man who grows and develops into a kind, loving man from a rather haughty one. He's sweet and protective and generous. Who wouldn't love him?

    amadaun777 at gmail.com

    1. That growth and development is something that is so intriguing I just keep coming back for more and more! Good luck with the contest.


  27. I never knew of this site until I saw the posting for this contest on DarcyandLizzy.Com. I will definitely be checking it out further once I post.
    Now why do I love Darcy, I love that he literally did everything humanly possible for his love without looking for recognition. For his unconditional love, in spite of Lizzies prejudiced beliefs and words.
    Really I could go on and on about Mr. Darcy however I will end here. I'm Off to look your little site over and Happy Anniversary!

    1. So glad that you found Darcyholic Diversions. There are some GREAT stories of many of the best known Austen inspired authors in the archives, of how they found Jane Austen and Darcy ;). So happy that took time to comment! Good luck!


  28. Linked your Celebration graphic at the Valentine Post HERE

    @_eHope tweeted this post, https://twitter.com/_eHope/status/300510872260968448
    a Google Friend here on this site,
    liked your author page on Facebook and shared on my own timeline
    linked to this month long celebration on a blog post as above..

    more Darcy LuV... =)
    I especially appreciate Darcy's forgiving attitude so evident when he unexpectedly finds Elizabeth, et al, at Pemberley. He is entirely hospitable,open, welcoming - in fact extends to them the invitation to dine with him at Pemberley! Generosity of heart and outlook... Definitely reasons to LuV that man !!

    1. Yes, the way he greets Elizabeth at Pemberley is not full of resentment but of hope and openness and willingness to change ;).

      Thanks so much for commenting and good luck!


    2. and ps ~ HapPy Anniversary for DD !! Cheers, Barbara ~ Well DOne!

  29. I love Darcy because his character evolves from being stiff & snobbish to being open to love. P&P movies are those that I will watch over and over whenever they are on.

    Tweeted - https://twitter.com/DianeSallans/status/300699039266115585
    New GFC Follower - Diane Sallans
    New FB Like - Diane Sallans

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

    1. Di:

      His character does truly evolve... Sometimes it truly seems like a fantasy that a man would be willing to change that much..lololol..

      Thanks for your comments and good luck!


  30. ooh, I would love to win a Kindle! I've got the stories - just need someplace easily portable to put them .. lol

    I love Darcy because he says what he means and means what he says. He takes life serously, as a responsibility, with his duty to others uppermost in his mind. So few people live their life this way. And I love that he finally was able to embrace the fact that his highest duty was to do right for himself, that to accept what was best for himself would also make him able to be his best for others. I love that he was able to put aside preconceived ideas and expectations and learn to live in the moment appreciating the value of the people around himself, partcularly Lizzy. Enacted by Colin, I love that he is sultry and fixated and dedicated to winning her approval and respect and finding ways to please her. what phenomenal qualities to wrap up in one man! fantasy is a great place to dream.

    1. Jan:

      This is so beautifully said! I think I particularly like what you said about learning to live in the moment. Now, of course, enacted by Colin..lol.. he is sultry and determined..lol. And fantasy is a great place to dream!

      Thanks for your comment! And good luck!


  31. I just added your site as a google friend and I liked your book on facebook. Woohoo! Now, as for why I like Darcy. I like him because he's not perfect but he's open to self-reflection. He's willing to readjust his mindset with the addition of new information. Mostly, I like him because he's steadfast and true though. I mean, Lizzie dealt him one of the best most painful rejections recorded in literature and yet he persevered. He didn't give up on her. He continued to love her despite her false accusations and the slanders she threw in his face. He gave her a second chance when I think most wealthy men in his position would not. They'd walk away and lick their wounds and, after a bit of reflection, thank their stars that they escaped that entanglement. You gotta love a man who continues to love even after having been rejected so soundly.
    -Lisa (slapshinyhappy at yahoo dot com)

    1. Lisa! So happy to have you here! So many things here about how Darcy is willing to change! And his persistence isn't a bad character trait either. And yes, he loves regardless! So dreamy..lol..

      Thanks for commenting and good luck!


  32. Happy Birthday and good luck to all the entrants! :D

  33. I love Darcy because he is the ultimate "man of mystery." He seems like one thing, but when he truly reveals himself, he is a treasure! Yes, he was a product of his times and upbringing, but he was willing to change to win the woman he loves. In today's world, that's priceless, and a lesson many a man (and woman, too) could learn. Please enter me in the Kindle draw--would love to win! Thank you!

  34. Happy Blog and P&P 200 Anniversary! One of the things I love about Darcy is that he takes the criticism for Elizabeth (even though she herself is flawed) and he learns from it.

    1. Forgot to add- I follow RSS feed, email, GFC, twitter and facebook. Now after admitting this here, I feel like a real stalker. :)

  35. Darcy fights his attraction for Elizabeth in every way possible. He is stunned when Elizabeth refuses his first proposal and, yet, tries to change his own behavior even though he knows he may never see her again.

  36. Darcy is not perfect, recognizes (thanks to Elizabeth) that he is not perfect and tries to become better for the woman he loves
    sara (annefitza at yahoo dot com)

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. a reminder tweet by @_eHope here today: https://twitter.com/_eHope/status/303581833520631809

  39. I love Darcy because he is willing to admit that he has been wrong and needs to change. Then he actually makes the changes by telling Bingley he was mistaken about Jane Bennet and by cleaning up the Lydia/Wickham mess, without telling Elizabeth he did that. Now that is gentlemanly behavior!

    arjanne.boneschanscher (at) gmail (com)

  40. I love Darcy for his honesty and his devotion to Elizabeth. His shyness makes him appear as arrogant but his heart shines through and he is able to profess his love for Elizabeth.

    I follow via GFC (hms7213)

  41. Happy anniversary!
    I love Darcy because he's shy and can't express himself well among strangers, he recognizes his mistakes and tries to better himself not only for the woman he loves but for himself too, and overall because he's Mr. Darcy and he ought to be loved ;)

    Extra entries:
    GFC (cassiopea) & FB follower (Gabriella Pintus)

  42. I followed your facebook page, google+, and tweeted this post...
    I love Mr. Darcy because he is the epitome of "gentleman"...He loves Elizabeth, unfailingly, but doesn't always know how to express it verbally. The profound, kind gestures he makes for her love, even if unrequited at times, are heartwrenching. I suppose it's his selflessness and despair that initially endeared him to me :)

  43. I love Mr. Darcy because he is, Mr. Darcy. A man who so loved a woman he opened his mind,(and hers.) to a way of life not many in either sphere experienced, true love and devotion with out limits. He tried to create limitations and obsticals to keep her at bay, and when he had believed they were nothing compared to her love, she showed him he had not truely overcome these obsticales, and neither had she. He did the one thing not many men of any age or century would do; change. Takeing one hard look at these "obsticals," and his "manners" realizing how in the wrong they both were, he made the changes needed for him self, and his love, jumped on his white horse and rode strait into her heart! (After takeing a detoure to risk reputation to save Lizzy's sister in London of course ;))

  44. The reason I think Mr Darcy is the perfect man is that he is an enigma. Which gets us intrigued and want to know more. Also he gets us mad at his indifference which makes him a little in the bad boys category. This keeps are interest in him even though it's negatively. But than he does that which we are unexpected to see. And than it's too late, we fall madly irrevocally in LOVE with him. That's when we see how perfect he is. Polite, considerate and most importantly HANDSOME.

    Just FYI I did marry my Mr Darcy!! :D

  45. i love Darcy because he is the perfect match for Elizabeth! The romantic nature, the willingness to change, the admiration he feels for her. The entire idea of the love they have is enough to make millions of women wish and hope for that kind of love. It has sustained the novel, created history, and inspired countless love stories. The romantic notion of caring for someone that much, to work against your feelings, to give everything up for that person, to selflessly act for them; that idea is beautiful and inspiring for everyone. We all hope to find our own Darcy one day, someone who completes us, challenges us, helps us to grow, and a love everlasting.

  46. I love Darcy because he gives me hope that somewhere out there there is someone like him, a man who respects, wants and falls in love with a woman who is not conventional and isn't afraid of expressing her opinions (even if they are wrong!) and challenging him. I also love the fact that he challenges Elizabeth. (and of course he's handsome... as handsome as the sum total of all the handsome men who've played him over the years, and maybe even more handsome!)

    I've tweeted this post and will follow you on google too.

  47. I love Darcy because he is tall, handsome and probably smells great! :)
    Seriously, I love Darcy because when I read P&P for the first time I just knew I wanted my husband to be like him. A man's man, accomplished, loyal to his family and flawed. I was hooked from my first read!!

  48. I love and read every book I can afford to buy about Darcy,Lizzie and the rest of the Pemberly inhabitants.Darcy is so shy but drawn to Lizzie even though she is not acceptable in the British upper crust.In spite of his shyness and his families objections the smitten,tongue tied Darcy decides to cast aside all of the reasons that Lizzie is unacceptable as a proper wife for him and proceeds to tell Lizzie that in spite of his families objections and her family he asks her to do him the honor of accepting his hand in marriage.Of course and angry Lizzie dresses him down and refuses his proposal even thought it would solve all of her families problems.However,love wins out in the end as both set all of theirer proposes to an angry Elizabethand bumblesinabili

  49. Tweeted and friended on Facebook. I love Austen novels and would love to be a lucky winner.


  50. I love Darcy because like most of us humans he has good and bad characteristics. He had many flaws, he was haute and a little overbearing, but he was also very loyal to his friends and family. However due to his love for Elizabeth he overcame many of his flaws and became a better human being.

  51. I love Darcy because, once insulted, he determined to improve hmself, to challenge and re-define his own behavior. How many of us are willing to do so, versus making efforts to improve our minds, our appearance, our situation? Maybe it is all about inducement - his unremitting desire for Elizabeth did not allow him to not improve himself..

    and if I had a Kindle.. how inspired mght I become ...

  52. Fitzwilliam Darcy he is introduced to us as a very rich, handsome and arrogant man. He stands off to himself and is aloof. As I read this scene and then learned a little more about the man as JA gave us tidbits here and there throughout the book, I could see why he was aloof. He was very much in a ‘meat market’ (if you will pardon my phrase) with himself as the prize. Since he was not a rake or bad boy, he didn’t like being put on display and wanted for his money alone. He hated that scene and his abhorrence of dishonesty would make it even harder for him. We get glimpses of him as a devoted brother, a loyal cousin and nephew and a young man trying to honor his responsibility to family. He admits to his inability to talk with people he doesn’t know. Even when he makes his first proposal, it is his necessity to be completely honest with Elizabeth that paves the way for disaster.

    Whether he really was arrogant and aloof or shy and hated the social setting, I return to the descriptions of him by others that knew him best and that JA allowed us to see through their eyes. Richard Bingley, (even Caroline, ugh), Mrs. Reynolds and all his servants and tenants according to her, Georgiana and Colonel Fitzwilliam, all give quite glowing accounts of this man who is an enigma. He wanted Bingley to marry for love not being taken in by someone interested only in his money. He was a young man with many big responsibilities thrown on him at a very early age. He wanted to marry for love.

    When he finally found a woman so different from any others and one that he could love, he so misread her that he received the refusal of his life. Whether he could ever win her love or not, he was willing to change for the better. Did he really need to? I am not so sure. Maybe his confession at the end was being humble. (Sure he could improve. Elizabeth learned things about herself that needed improvement too.) According to Mrs. Reynolds, he had always been good. At the beginning of Chapter 18 in Volume 3, Elizabeth sums it up quite nicely. That is the Mr. Darcy that I love, my favorite hero.

  53. Fitzwilliam Darcy he is introduced to us as a very rich, handsome and arrogant man. He stands off to himself and is aloof. As I read this scene and then learned a little more about the man as JA gave us tidbits here and there throughout the book, I could see why he was aloof. He was very much in a ‘meat market’ (if you will pardon my phrase) with himself as the prize. Since he was not a rake or bad boy, he didn’t like being put on display and wanted for his money alone. He hated that scene and his abhorrence of dishonesty would make it even harder for him. We get glimpses of him as a devoted brother, a loyal cousin and nephew and a young man trying to honor his responsibility to family. He admits to his inability to talk with people he doesn’t know. Even when he makes his first proposal, it is his necessity to be completely honest with Elizabeth that paves the way for disaster.

    Whether he really was arrogant and aloof or shy and hated the social setting, I return to the descriptions of him by others that knew him best and that JA allowed us to see through their eyes. Richard Bingley, (even Caroline, ugh), Mrs. Reynolds and all his servants and tenants according to her, Georgiana and Colonel Fitzwilliam, all give quite glowing accounts of this man who is an enigma. He wanted Bingley to marry for love not being taken in by someone interested only in his money. He was a young man with many big responsibilities thrown on him at a very early age. He wanted to marry for love.

    When he finally found a woman so different from any others and one that he could love, he so misread her that he received the refusal of his life. Whether he could ever win her love or not, he was willing to change for the better. Did he really need to? I am not so sure. Maybe his confession at the end was being humble. (Sure he could improve. Elizabeth learned things about herself that needed improvement too.) According to Mrs. Reynolds, he had always been good. At the beginning of Chapter 18 in Volume 3, Elizabeth sums it up quite nicely. That is the Mr. Darcy that I love, my favorite hero.

  54. I can't seem to find the announcement ... Who are the winners????
