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Comments on Karen's post will be entered into a contest to win a copy of her most recently released book, 'Finding Wonder in All Things'; open to everyone including potential International winners; as well as being entered into the monthly drawings here at Darcyholic Diversions. Entries will be based on comments on blog posts; but additional chances will be given for joining this site, tweeting this post, Joining this site as a member via Google Friend Connect (GFC)!, sharing this on Facebook or your blog, Friend me on Facebook, clicking 'like’ on Barbara Tiller Cole, Author's Facebook page, Join Darcyholic Diversions Facebook Page or following BarbTCole on Twitter.
For this Darcyholic,
the Master of Pemberley
was the Gateway Drug!
You’ve heard the slang term, I’m sure… such and such is the
gateway drug to the ‘hard stuff.’
Well, for me, Mr. Darcy was the literary substance that introduced me to
a whole new fascinating world – the plane of existence known as Austenaddiction.

There I was, innocently imbibing Mr. Darcy as he entered the
Meryton Assembly:
Oooh, (I whisper
to my reading self) a fine looking
mystery man with a noble mien, and ten thousand a year (ten thousand of
what, I’m not exactly sure, but it sounds impressive). This guy must be the love
interest. He’ll ask Miss Elizabeth
to dance next, and then he’ll ask to see her again and … *thud* — I drop my
glass. He said what?! Jerk!
Now, I was hooked in a whole different way. Intent on knowing how the authoress
planned to redeem the Great Snot from the North of England, I ordered myself another
metaphorical drink and dove back into the story. But the transformation didn’t seem to be happening like I
expected. I devoured some more
addicting prose, laughed at the interchanges between Elizabeth and Darcy at
Netherfield. And when the terse,
proud Mr. Darcy proposed at Hunsford, even with the narrator’s foreshadowing, the
way that it actually went down surprised me almost as much as it did Elizabeth
Oooh, a proud, haughty
man with a secret crush on our very own protagonist puts his heart on his
sleeve with his ardent declaration of love and … She said what?! Headstrong, obstinate girl!
Furiously, I kept reading for my next hit of the taciturn
Mr. D, sad that he seemed to all but disappear from the novel! When Elizabeth and Darcy found each
other at Pemberley in a bit of slightly contrived serendipity, I was seriously jonesing
for some angst relief, and it appeared I might finally get it. But just when I was about to put my
Darcy and Lizzy cocktail to my lips and guzzle it down, stupid-head Lydia spilled
it all over me by running off with the nefarious Wickham!
It took FOREVER for Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth to get it
right, but when they did, it was the perfect high. Sometime after that first reading, I found the BBC version of
P&P, the one with Colin Firth,
and that little gem finished me off. I was smitten, obsessed, infatuated. I was forever in literary love with Mr.
To be honest, the first time I read P&P, I only saw the love story. It was about the third read-through that I began to see the
changes in English society that were being illustrated, Miss Austen’s
commentary on class structure, the tale of good and bad manners, and the growth
of Elizabeth Bennet from a girl who’s a little too sure of herself into a
‘woman worthy of being pleased.’
So if Sense &
Sensibility was my first exposure to Austen, why do I consider Darcy the
gateway drug to Darcyholicism? Because
I believe I must date my Austenaddiction from my first seeing his beautiful
grounds at Pemberley. Meeting Mr. Darcy
was the start of a journey that led me two places: One was the high-flying world of Jane Austen canon: Digging frantically through the prose in
search of a witty interchange in Emma,
watching with trepidation while Mary Crawford injects her sweet venom into
Edmund Bertram, waiting for the bliss that is at last evoked by Captain
Wentworth’s Letter.
The other place was the fast-lane of Jane Austen fandom: a
seemingly infinite supply of Darcy in every flavor imaginable — Regency,
modern, English, not-English, businessman, farmer, musician, romantic, stoic,
angry, devastatingly unhappy, arrogant, loyal, dependable, sweet and solicitous
— Jane Austen fanfiction had it all.
I devoured tons of stories for about three years, and then my own blend
of Darcy began speaking to me and I wrote him into a little on-line story
called “D-Day: D is for...”
And that’s how I became a Darcyholic.

"the Great Snot from the North of England" - heh-heh!
ReplyDelete"the growth of Elizabeth Bennet from a girl who’s a little too sure of herself into a ‘woman worthy of being pleased.’" - yes!! You pegged it.
Ditto June's comments - I just love your reactions to your first encounter with Mr. Darcy! And I'm so glad you did succumb to the pull of that gateway drug as it resulted in many hours of enjoyable reading on our part with your wonderful stories! I am so looking forward to meeting you!
What a hilarious way to explain your Darcy love. I love it- 'gateway' drug. I love the comment of it taking them a while to get it right. For that reason, Persuasion has always been my Austen 'gateway drug'.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post!
What a fascinating post! You kept me intrigued to the end. I bet your books are good too. I will have to put them on my TBR list!.
ReplyDeleteI can see Mr. Darcy as being a 'gateway drug'! Meeting him in 'P & P' has been quite an experience for me and thankfully, I can continue to share time with him in the many books written by all of you fabulous authors.
Thanks again for your fun post.
Thanks for your comments - I'm glad you enjoyed the post on how one poor soul found herself under Mr. Darcy's spell :D
ReplyDeleteThanks also to Barbara inviting me to be a guest on her blog - it's a fine thing when people with a common interest can get together and share their ideas and experiences like this.
Lol at your inner monologue reading P&P for the first time - "he said what?!"
ReplyDelete1932 is one of my very favorite P&P stories. Whenever I see the cover I hear "Night and Day" in my head - love that scene. I look forward to reading your new book soon.
Monica - thank you for your kind words :) I'm glad 1932 evokes good memories - that scene is one of my faves as well
DeleteTweeted this: https://mobile.twitter.com/jaffobsession/status/208264690411913217
ReplyDeleteI also follow @barbtcole on twitter.
These books sound great! Oh please count me in! I have a Pemberley addiction! The first part is admitting it right lol!
Like Monica,I also loved the inner monologue! And the dropping your drink and ordering another, hehe, very funny!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading "1932" and would love to read "Find Wonder in All Things"! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
Thanks Candy :)
ReplyDeleteI also enjoyed your post last week
I read so many great reviews on this Persuasion-inspired tale that I would love to read it since Persuasion is one of my favourite novels of all time besides Pride & Prejudice.
ReplyDeleteBarbara, please enter me into the drawing. I as a GFC follower, blog it here, friend you on FB (as Sylvia Claire Chan), 'like' your author FB page and join Darcyholic Diversions FB group.
What a fun post! I have heard such wonderful things about this book! I love Persuasion and I am so eager to read "Find Wonder in All Things". Thanks for the giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteI am a GFC follower!!
ReplyDeleteI liked your author FB page and I joined Darcyholic Diversion FB group!!
ReplyDeleteLiterary love -- I love it. Great Snot from the North of England -- absolutely on target. And who wouldn't fall in love with Darcy as Colin Firth portrayed him -- his every mood revealed in his eyes and facial expression? I fall more in literary love every time I watch P&P.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your post. I loved 1932. I have loaned the book out so many times that the cover is looking a bit worn.
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