
Friday, June 1, 2012

What Did Tom Hanks Have To Do With Kara Louise's Darcyholism?

Welcome Kara Louise to Darcyholic Diversions!
Hi, Darcyholics!  I have been reading Kara's stories since she had them on her website!  And I am very honored to have her visiting with us here today!  I told her recently that her book, Only Mr. Darcy Will Do, was the only book that has literally kept me up ALL night until I finished it in the last couple years!  I just could not put it down.  And, I read the story in its early version on her website long ago.  I hope you enjoy getting to know Kara as I have.

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Comments on Kara's post will be entered into a contest to win a 2 softcover copies of Only Mr. Darcy Will Do; open to winners in US and Canada, as well as being entered into the monthly drawings here at Darcyholic Diversions.  Winners will be selected along with other June winners, at the beginning to July.  Entries will be based on comments on blog posts; but additional chances will be given for joining this site, tweeting this post, Joining this site as a member via Google Friend Connect (GFC)!, sharing this on Facebook or your blog, Friend me on Facebook, clicking 'like’ on Barbara Tiller Cole, Author's Facebook page, Join Darcyholic Diversions Facebook Page or following BarbTCole on Twitter.
What Did Tom Hanks Have To Do with 
Kara Louise's Darcyholism?

 Thanks, Barbara, for inviting me here today to share how I became acquainted with the incomparable Mr. Darcy. It came rather late in life, and to own the truth, I first heard of Mr. Darcy not in “Pride and Prejudice,” but in the movie “You’ve Got Mail.” Their little references to P&P and Mr. Darcy got me just a little curious, and I filed it away to get a hold of the book someday and read it.
Jump ahead a year or two. I am at a wedding reception with a close friend. She and another friend were talking about a 6-hour movie she was watching, how much she was enjoying it, and how far along she was. I inquired what they were talking about, and when they said, “Pride and Prejudice,” I was intrigued. I had no idea that there was a magnificent 6 hour film adaptation of the novel.
My friend loaned me the new DVD she had just purchased of it. I took it home with me, not fully realizing how much this film would affect me, consume me, and literally change my life.
The next day I settled myself in front of the television and began watching it. (My husband was out of town for the whole week.) I will never forget how entranced I was with this story, the characters, and, of course, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. While I was anxious to see how it ended, I also didn’t want it to end!
The next day, Monday, was my day off, so I watched the whole thing again. For the remainder of the week, I left the DVD in and just clicked ‘play’ when I got home from work and watched it several more times. On Saturday I knew I should return the DVD to my friend, so I went to a nearby Best Buy store and found one copy. I promptly snatched it up so I would have my own.
After watching at least some of the movie every day for about a month, I was now eager to see how the book compared. As we all know, the book is always better than the movie, and sure enough, I loved the book. After that, I purchased a book that contained all her novels, and began reading them, along with viewing the films that had been made about each one.
So who is this Mr. Darcy? Who is your Mr. Darcy? I think everyone who has become fascinated with Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” has their own particular Mr. Darcy in mind. While she has given us some definite insights into his character, whether it’s by his own words (“My temper would perhaps be called resentful. My good opinion once lost is lost forever.”) or things he does (keeping himself apart from the other guests at the Meryton Assembly), we all probably have a slightly different version of the idiosyncrasies of this man. And if write stories based on P&P, you most likely incorporate those traits you like about him into them.
My Mr. Darcy is pretty much based on Colin Firth’s portrayal of him in the ’95 film adaptation. He is reserved, but definitely not shy. He is a very private person and dislikes being the center of attention, especially when talk of his wealth is bandied about. He has also become a little cynical when it comes to women and their interest in him due to that wealth. And because of the responsibilities put on him at a rather young age when his father died, he has a somewhat solemn personality. He is not outgoing and bubbly, like his friend, Bingley, and therefore enjoys his friendship with him. Perhaps his friend helps bring a little of that out in Darcy. He is also a man of integrity, good principles, and outstanding character.
Those are a few of the traits that I have in mind of Mr. Darcy’s character and use in my stories. In my book, “Darcy’s Voyage,” where he and Elizabeth meet on a ship instead of the country village in Hertfordshire, Elizabeth is able to sketch a fairly accurate portrayal of him early on. (Of course, she has a few minor ‘first impressions’ that she must overcome and they do have their share of angst in finally getting together.) I also enjoy giving a little background in my stories as to how certain character traits came about when he was younger.
One reason I love Mr. Darcy so much, though, is that I relate to him. I am reserved, don’t particularly like being the center of attention, and used to have a much more melancholy demeanor. When I met my husband, he made me laugh, and I enjoyed that. He didn’t have a crass sense of humor, but a very engaging one. And whenever I see the sparkle in Mr. Darcy’s eyes when Elizabeth’s sharp wit brings a smile to his face, I really enjoy that. And who can forget the scene at Netherfield where he actually teases Elizabeth when she and Caroline take a turn about the room. I doubt he had ever teased Caroline like that before. Perhaps he had never teased any woman like that before! Elizabeth brought out a livelier side to his personality and he liked it! Add to that her complete disinterest in him, challenging his every word, and he is a completely besotted man! She had no idea the effect she has on him, and didn’t for quite some time.
My husband, my own Mr. Darcy, did something very special a while back. He wanted a personalized license plate and was debating what to get on his vanity tag. His first name is William (although he goes by his middle name, Dan), and he never did tell me what he finally decided on. In fact, I had completely forgotten about it. When it came in the mail, I was curious what he had selected and I opened it up. I about died and had a good laugh for about 15 minutes when I saw was it was. What had he chosen? FITZWM.  Now that’s my Mr. Darcy! And that’s what he has told a few ladies who have stopped and asked him about it! He says, “I am my wife’s Mr. Darcy.”
About me: Kara Louise lives in Kansas out in the country on 10 acres with her husband. They have 3 horses, 4 goats, 6 cats, and a dog. They have a married son that lives in St. Louis. In addition to writing, she works at her church doing publications. She 7 books published based on Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.”
I am offering a giveaway of 2 copies of my book, “Only Mr. Darcy Will Do” to US and Canada. OMDWD is a variation of P&P in which Mr. Bennet dies shortly after Elizabeth has turned down Mr. Darcy’s proposal. When Mr. and Mrs. Collins move into Longbourn, the Bennet ladies are forced to move out, and Elizabeth becomes a governess to a family in London. This family, it turns out, has an association with Mr. Darcy. As she is unwittingly thrown into his presence, she comes to see who the real Mr. Darcy is, but has no hope that he will ever renew his offer to her, especially now that she is so much more beneath him.


  1. I love that movie too! One of my favorites. Only Mr. Darcy will do lol! Anything less is intolerable. Did all the extras thanks!


  2. I have read every one of Kara's books and I must add more than once. This was great to get a little more insight into her person through your blog. Only Mr. Darcy is absolutely one of my favorites, although I will say that Master under good regulation comes in next. Thanks for posting. ~Jen Red~

  3. I have to laugh at - and identify with - your watching the PP movie again and again. Poor Darcy truly was besotted with Lizzy, who was clueless to his attraction to her. You are blessed with your own "Fitzwm" although I wonder if he would wear boots, breeches, and cravat for you. XD

    ~ Junewilliams7

  4. Kara-

    What a great story...thanks for sharing!! And thanks for the giveaway....Only Mr. Darcy Will Do is one of my most absolute favorites!! But, I have to tell you, it was Darcy's Voyage that made me a JAFF Fanatic....B&N was offering it for free last summer, and I thought, "Oh, that sounds fun!" And then I was hooked! Thanks for such wonderful stories!!

  5. Thanks all for your kind words! Margaret YGM is one of those few movies I'lll watch when it's on tv even though I own the dvd. Jen, thanks for being such a good fan and faithful supporter. MUGR is also my husband's favorite novel. June, I've never asked my husband to don those clothes, but knowing him, I bet he probably would! Amy, so glad you love the stories and I'm thrilled you came upon DV and discovered all the wonderful Jane Austen inspired books and stories!

  6. I had seen You've Got Mail when I was younger before I got into Jane AUsten and Mr. Darcy. Now I will be rewatching it again. :)

    "Only Mr Darcy Will Do" sounds intriguing. I am looking forward to reading it in the future.

  7. I follow Barb T. Cole on Twitter,
    also re tweeted it

    Friends and liked Barbara T. Cole on Face Book

    I also follow Darcyholic Diversions on Facebook

  8. HI Kara, I always love that story about your husband and his license plate! Brilliant! My personal favorite book of yours is Mr. Darcy's Voyage! Love that story! No need to enter me in the giveaway as I have ALL of your books. I just wanted to pop in and say hi! :)

  9. Patricia, there are a couple of references to P&P in YGM, and I have often thought it was a sort of modernized version of it. I hope you will enjoy OMDWD when you get a chance to read it. Hi Candy! Thanks for popping in. I hope to be able to see you again when I come to Arizona!

    1. Kara, I was so sad I missed you the last time you were here! Hopefully next time we can have lunch! :)

  10. Loved your post, Kara! And I've loved your stories since we first met at DWG eons ago. "Mr. Darcy's Voyage" is my favorite, too, although I enjoyed OMDWD as well.

  11. I Love You've got mail it does remind me of P&P never thought of that great love stories and your novels sound like lovely reads. Beautiful!

    Krista US

  12. I watch the miniseries several times a year. In fact, I'm watching it again now!

    I would love to win your book! I've heard such good things about you and your writing. You are definitely on my "to read" list.

    I put this on Twitter and FB, too.

  13. i love Kara Louise! and did the same, up til the wee hours until the book was done! :)
    what a great parallel with another fave story ~ Well done, Kara ~
    love hearing these inside stories, Barbara - TY!

  14. I read P&P in High School and sort of liked it. Then someone told me it was actually a comedy (or satire) and not a romance. I had to read it again - this second time I got it and then loved it. I remember when P&P 1995 first appeared and we had to wait DAYS for the next episode. Such torment. Also - I don't care what the press says. It is NOT the wet shirt scene that turned Colin Firth into a hearthrob. It is the lovely scene after when he asks Elizabeth if he can introduce her to his sister. I could watch that man walk over and over and over. Especially in breeches and boots! Also - have read all your fanfic Kara. If I win Only Mr Darcy Will Do, I am donating it to my library.

  15. Thanks so much, Jan, and I've always loved your stories! So glad you decided to publish! Thanks, Krista, and good luck in winning a copy! And thanks to you, Robin, Faith, and Barb for your kind words. Barb, I am going to an Austen Tea next Saturday put on by one of our local libraries, and I'm donating 2 of my books to them!

  16. Ha! I remember that reference on You've Got Mail! You're one of my favorite Austenesque authors, and I can't wait to read "Only Mr Darcy Will Do"... I can't believe I somehow missed this one! I remember buying "Pemberley's Promise" back when it was first published on Lulu, and I still love it. ;)

    1. I guess I mention this stuff here; I'm friended you on Facebook, I liked Barbara Tiller Cole, Author's Facebook page, and I joined the Darcyholic Diversions Facebook Page. Thanks!

  17. Araminta, I'm glad you enjoy my books! I did want to let you know that "Only Mr. Darcy Will Do" is the Sourcebooks publication of "Something Like Regret," which was self-published, in case you already read that. I know that people aren't very happy when the publisher changes the title and they think it's a new one when it's one they already read.

    1. Nope, somehow managed to completely miss this one! I wonder how that happened? Oh well--even if I don't win, that's still a new book I have to read! Are you writing anything new at the moment?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry for the mix-up but I redid my post below.

  19. So nice to see you here, Kara. I was looking forward to your post and you did not disappoint! How neat that was of your husband to get the car tag and I love that he tells he is your Mr. Darcy! Sounds like he might just don the breeches and boots!

    I have read four of your books and loved all of them. I can't seem to decide between 'Darcy's Voyage' and 'Only Mr. Darcy Will Do' as my favorite. They both are fantastic and have things that I really like about them. In OMDWD I loved it when Lizzy and Darcy were playing chess. The word play was lovely and made me smile continually.

    I too loved the miniseries with Colin Firth and he will forever be my Mr. Darcy. He is who I see when I read all the variations. I watched the movie again just last week and enjoyed it as much as ever.

    Thanks again for sharing your story and for your wonderful books! I hope you have another one in the future!

  20. What a lovely story! I am always encouraged when I find out that others have watched a P&P movie again and again.

    I love the premise of "Only Mr. Darcy Will Do." I look forward to reading it!

  21. Thanks jt! I'm so glad you enjoy the books. As for the chess scene, that was one of those scenes I knew I wanted to put in and actually wrote it quite early on. I really enjoyed writing it and hoped others would enjoy reading it, as well!

  22. Thanks P O! You must have been commenting when I last commented, because I didn't see it! :) And I am even now watching P&P again. I had loaned it to a friend last August and finally got it returned a few weeks ago, so have been working my way through it a little at a time. So enjoy it! I hope you get a chance to read OMDWD!

  23. Kara:

    Thanks again for your post. I loved hearing your story! I tend to see Austen in many things. I have often used 'You've Got Mail' as a way to describe what Jane Austen Fan Fiction is.

    As I told you recently, OMDWD is the only book in the last year that has kept me up ALL night. And I actually had read the original version..LOL. I love your stories and am grateful for you sharing with us here!


  24. Kara:
    I LOVE your books! did a greater service to me today. I have always asked myself who is the guy that fits my image of Mr. Darcy better. HA! Tom Hanks, of course. Why didn't I see this before? Thanks!
