
Monday, January 16, 2012

A Kiss From Colin at the Golden Globes or Why In the World Didn't Meryl Streep Find Someone to Help her Dress Tonight!

I watched the Golden Globes tonight just to catch a glimpse of Colin.  I mean the entire show.

The last two years, as Colin was nominated there were many opportunities for glimpses of my Darcy of Choice.  This year it was not until he presented the Golden Globes for the best Actress in a Drama that I had an opportunity to glimpse his loveliness.

Ricky Gervais, host for the evening, was anything but kind to Colin.  I am sure that it is because he is quite jealous of all the women that throw themselves at his feet...  Or perhaps that he is not interested in men. Who knows for sure.  But Colin handled it with grace, dignity and a beautiful smile as always.

However, what in the world was Meryl Streep thinking when she got dressed tonight!  If I ever have a 20% chance to stealing a kiss from Colin, because I had won a Golden Globe, I would have DRESSED to please; and not in an outfit that would have been appropriate for Ms. Streep's role as a nun a couple years back.

Alas, I was NOT on the stage, nor will I ever be.  It DID make me think of this youtube video a friend sent my way.  Colin aka Mr. Darcy's kiss would be something I would definitely find worth 'dressing for the part'.  Or undressing..LOL..

Just another example of my qualifications to HOST a blog called Darcyholic Diversions!

Watch and drool...

Barbara Tiller Cole


  1. I agree with you 100%. Imagine thinking of that possibility...a kiss!

  2. I agree with you 100%. Imagine thinking of that possibility...a kiss!

    1. Yes, Janet! If there was a chance of a kiss by Colin, I would definitely NOT wear THAT dress to the Golden Globes! :D


  3. I love your comments and I love your blog! I will be visiting often! If I even thought there was the remotest possibility....oh, I would be dressed to please!!! I would have dressed just for a mere glimpse!

    1. Janet..

      I am SO happy you like my blog. And I am looking forward to Your guest post! :D

